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Power List

NameRankPower PointsSummary
Arcane ProtectionNovice1Enemy casters subtract 2 (4 with a raise) when targeting this character; reduces damage a like amount.
BanishVeteran3Opposed roll vs Spirit to banish entities.
BarrierSeasoned2Creates wall 5“ (10 yards) long, 1” (2 yards) tall, Hardness 10 barrier (12 with a raise).
Beast FriendNoviceSpecialControl animals.
BlastSeasoned32d6 damage in Medium Blast Template.
BlessingSeasoned10Improves community's health and crops.
BlindNovice2Inflicts -2/-4 penalty to victim's sight.
BoltNovice12d6 ranged attack.
Boost_Lower TraitNovice3Increases or decreases a skill or attribute.
BurrowNovice2Target tunnels through the earth.
BurstNovice2Cone or Stream attack for 2d6 damage.
ConfusionNovice2Makes target Distracted and/or Vulnerable.
Conjure ItemNoviceSpecialConjures object, one lb. per 2 Power Points.
Create PitSeasoned2Create a Supernatural Pit
CurseSeasoned5Inflict a curse on opponent.
Damage FieldSeasoned4Creates aura that causes 2d4 damage.
DarksightNovice1Ignore up to 4 points of illumination penalties, or 6 with a raise.
DeflectionNovice2*2/*4 melee or ranged attacks.
Detect_Conceal ArcanaNovice2Detects magic for 5 rounds or conceals it for one hour.
DisguiseSeasoned2Target looks like someone else.
DispelNovice1Negates magical powers and effects.
DivinationSeasoned5CAster asks questions of entities.
Drain Power PointsVeteran2Drains d6 Power Poitns from enemy with successful opposed roll of arcane skills.
Elemental ManipulationNovice1Allows minor manipulation of basic elements.
EmpathyNovice1Opp. roll vs Spirit to add +2 to social Tests.
EntangleNovice2Bind or Entangle foes.
Environmental ProtectionNovice2Protect target from hazardous environments.
FarsightSeasoned2See detail at great distance; halves Range penalties with a raise.
FearSeasoned2Causes Fear check.
FlyVeteran3Target flies at Pace 12.
Growth_ShrinkSeasoned2Increases or decreases Size.
HavocNovice2Targets in template are Distracted and may be thrown for damage.
HealingNovice3Restore Wounds less than an hour old.
IllusionNovice3Create a visual scene or replica of most anything the caster can imagine.
IntangibilityVeteran5Target becomes incorporeal.
InvisibilitySeasoned5Target is invisible (-4/-6 to affect).
Light_DarknessNovice2Creates or dispels illumination.
LocateNovice3Finds an object or being.
Lock_UnlockNovice1Magically locks or unlocks portals or containers.
Mind LinkNovice1Mental link within one mile (5 with raise).
Mind ReadingNovice2Opposed roll vs Smarts to read mind.
Mind WipeVeteran3Removes and alters memories.
Mystic InterventionLegendary20Causes a miracle of some sort.
Object ReadingSeasoned2Reveals vague impression of an object's history (more detail with a raise).
Planar BindingVeteran8Summon / bind creature from another plane.
Plane ShiftVeteran4Allows travel to other planes of existence.
ProtectionNovice1+2 Armor (+2 Toughness with raise).
PuppetVeteran3Opposed roll vs Spirit to control target.
ReliefNovice1Removes Shaken, Distracted, or Vulnerable states (2 with raise), or ignores 1 point of Wound and Fatigue penalties (2 with a raise).
ResurrectionHeroic30Brings the dead back to life.
SanctuaryNovice2Foes must make a Spirit roll to attack.
ScryingSeasoned3Caster can see and hear a target and surrounding area remotely.
Shape ChangeNoviceSpecialCaster takes on the form of various beings.
Sloth_SpeedSeasoned2Increases or decreases movement.
SlumberSeasoned2Puts victims to sleep.
SmiteNovice2Increase a weapon's damage by +2/+4
Sound_SilenceNovice1Create or mute sound.
Speak LanguageNovice1Caster can speak and understand languages.
StunNovice2Target is Stunned.
Summon AllyNoviceSpecialConjures an ally of various sorts.
Summon AnimalNoviceSpecialConjures a natural beast.
Summon MonsterNoviceSpecialConjures a monster.
Summon UndeadNoviceSpecialConjures undead horrors.
TelekinesisSeasoned5Moves items, Strength d10 (d12 with a raise).
TeleportSeasoned2Character teleports up to 12“ distant.
Time StopHeroic10Caster gets additional 1d4+1 turns.
Time StopHeroic10Stop time for all others for 1d4 + 1 turns or until affecting another.
Wall WalkerNovice2Character can walk on walls at half Pace (full Pace with raise).
Warrior's GiftSeasoned4Grants target a Combat Edge.
WishLegendary20Choose one of several reality-altering events.
ZombieVeteran3Raises and controls the undead.