Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Example Trappings: Effigy, ritualistic words, touch.
Some practitioners of the arcane arts heal their allies. Others inflict sickness upon their enemies. To use this particularly nasty spell, the caster makes an arcane skill roll opposed by the victim’s Spirit roll. Failure means the victim suffers a level of Fatigue immediately and at sunset each day thereafter (further castings of curse have no additional effect).
Once the accursed becomes Incapacitated, he makes a Vigor roll each day to avoid death.
Breaking the Curse: The curse can be lifted by the original caster at will, and ends automatically if she’s slain. Dispel also removes a curse (at −2), though each individual may only try once—if failed it’s beyond her abilities.
Epic Modifiers
✪ Turn to Stone (+5)
The accursed must make a Spirit roll every round or take a level of Fatigue. When Incapacitated, the victim turns to stone (his Toughness becomes Hardness). The curse must be broken to stop the effect (see above).