Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant (sloth); 5 (speed)
Example Trappings: Slowing time, blurred motion.
Sloth halves the target’s total movement (round up). With a raise, movement is also an action. The target automatically attempts to shake off the effects of sloth at the end of each of his next turns by making a Spirit roll.
Speed doubles the target’s movement (Pace and running). With a raise the character also ignores the −2 running penalty
Additional Recipients (+1)
Speed only. The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
Area of Effect (+2)
Sloth only. For +2 points the power affects everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For +3 points the area of effect is increased to a Large Blast Template.
Dash (+2)
Speed only. The recipient’s running die isn’t rolled—she gains the maximum result possible.
Quickness (+2)
Speed only. The character’s total Multi-Action penalty each turn is reduced by 2 (she can do two actions at no penalty or three at −2 each).
Strong (+1)
Sloth only. The Spirit roll to shake off sloth's effect is made at -2.