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Rank: Novice

Power Points: 2

Range: Smarts

Duration: Instant

Example Trappings: Glue bomb, vines, webs.

Entangle restrain a target with ice, bands of energy, vines, disembodied hands, etc (Hardness 8). If cast successfully, the target is Entangled (or Bound with a raise on the arcane skill roll). Victims may try to break free on their turn as detailed under Bound & Entangled.


Area of Effect (Medium Blast) (+2)

The power affects everyone in a Medium Blast Template.

Area of Effect (Large Blast/Stream) (+3)

The area of effect is increased to a Large Blast Template or use the Stream Template.

Damage (+2)

Entangled targets take 2d4 damage at the end of their turn.

Tough (+1)

The entangling material is particularly resilient. Increase its Hardness to 10.

Epic Modifiers

✪ Deadly (+4)

Entangled targets take 2d6 damage at the end of their turn. Does not stack with Damage.