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Rank: Novice

Power Points: 1

Range: Smarts

Duration: 5

Example Trappings: Concentration, a sympathetic smile, exchanging a pleasantry.

A successful arcane skill vs Spirit roll gives the caster insight into a target’s basic emotions. This grants him a +1 bonus (+2 with a raise) to all Intimidation, Persuasion, Performance, or Taunt rolls against the target for the Duration of the power. The bonus does not apply to skill rolls made to activate powers.

Empathy works on animals, adding +1 (+2 with a raise) to Riding or other rolls to interact with the creature.


Additional Recipients (+1)

The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.

Charm (+2)

If the target is Uncooperative or Neutral, a successful casting makes him Cooperative, or Friendly with a raise. The spell is instantly broken if the caster or her allies attack the victim or her allies.

Duration (+1)

Duration is measured in minutes instead of rounds. If the character Critically Fails any of the affected skill rolls against the target, the effect terminates immediately.

Epic Modifiers

✪ Truth (+2)

T he c aster k nows if the target believes he’s telling the truth or not.