Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Self
Duration: 10 mintues
Example Trappings: A floating crystal over a map, message in the clouds, a ray of light
Sometimes it’s literally impossible to find something via mundane means. Locate allows the caster to find these hidden things.
When casters use this power, they choose an object, creature, or location. If the caster has never seen the target, the roll is at −2. A success gives a sense of the general direction and distance of the target. A raise also gives an impression of the target (e.g., the creature is asleep, the object is in a strongbox, the secret door is behind a bookshelf).
Running Water: Running water blocks locate if it’s in the path between the caster and the target.
Find the Path (+1)
In addition to the direction and distance to a target, the caster also has a supernatural sense of the best or fastest way to navigate to its general area.