This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ===== Power List ===== ^Name^Rank^Power Points^Summary^ |[[Arcane Protection]]|Novice|1|Enemy casters subtract 2 (4 with a raise) when targeting this character; reduces damage a like amount.| |[[Banish]]|Veteran|3|Opposed roll vs Spirit to banish entities.| |[[Barrier]]|Seasoned|2|Creates wall 5" (10 yards) long, 1" (2 yards) tall, Hardness 10 barrier (12 with a raise).| |[[Beast Friend]]|Novice|Special|Control animals.| |[[Blast]]|Seasoned|3|2d6 damage in Medium Blast Template.| |[[Blessing]]|Seasoned|10|Improves community's health and crops.| |[[Blind]]|Novice|2|Inflicts -2/-4 penalty to victim's sight.| |[[Bolt]]|Novice|1|2d6 ranged attack.| |[[Boost_Lower Trait]]|Novice|3|Increases or decreases a skill or attribute.| |[[Burrow]]|Novice|2|Target tunnels through the earth.| |[[Burst]]|Novice|2|Cone or Stream attack for 2d6 damage.| |[[Confusion]]|Novice|2|Makes target Distracted and/or Vulnerable.| |[[Conjure Item]]|Novice|Special|Conjures object, one lb. per 2 Power Points.| |[[Create Pit]]|Seasoned|2|Create a Supernatural Pit| |[[Curse]]|Seasoned|5|Inflict a curse on opponent.| |[[Damage Field]]|Seasoned|4|Creates aura that causes 2d4 damage.| |[[Darksight]]|Novice|1|Ignore up to 4 points of illumination penalties, or 6 with a raise.| |[[Deflection]]|Novice|2|*2/*4 melee or ranged attacks.| |[[Detect_Conceal Arcana]]|Novice|2|Detects magic for 5 rounds or conceals it for one hour.| |[[Disguise]]|Seasoned|2|Target looks like someone else.| |[[Dispel]]|Novice|1|Negates magical powers and effects.| |[[Divination]]|Seasoned|5|CAster asks questions of entities.| |[[Drain Power Points]]|Veteran|2|Drains d6 Power Poitns from enemy with successful opposed roll of arcane skills.| |[[Elemental Manipulation]]|Novice|1|Allows minor manipulation of basic elements.| |[[Empathy]]|Novice|1|Opp. roll vs Spirit to add +2 to social Tests.| |[[Entangle]]|Novice|2|Bind or Entangle foes.| |[[Environmental Protection]]|Novice|2|Protect target from hazardous environments.| |[[Farsight]]|Seasoned|2|See detail at great distance; halves Range penalties with a raise.| |[[Fear]]|Seasoned|2|Causes Fear check.| |[[Fly]]|Veteran|3|Target flies at Pace 12.| |[[Growth_Shrink]]|Seasoned|2|Increases or decreases Size.| |[[Havoc]]|Novice|2|Targets in template are Distracted and may be thrown for damage.| |[[Healing]]|Novice|3|Restore Wounds less than an hour old.| |[[Illusion]]|Novice|3|Create a visual scene or replica of most anything the caster can imagine.| |[[Intangibility]]|Veteran|5|Target becomes incorporeal.| |[[Invisibility]]|Seasoned|5|Target is invisible (-4/-6 to affect).| |[[Light_Darkness]]|Novice|2|Creates or dispels illumination.| |[[Locate]]|Novice|3|Finds an object or being.| |[[Lock_Unlock]]|Novice|1|Magically locks or unlocks portals or containers.| |[[Mind Link]]|Novice|1|Mental link within one mile (5 with raise).| |[[Mind Reading]]|Novice|2|Opposed roll vs Smarts to read mind.| |[[Mind Wipe]]|Veteran|3|Removes and alters memories.| |[[Mystic Intervention]]|Legendary|20|Causes a miracle of some sort.| |[[Object Reading]]|Seasoned|2|Reveals vague impression of an object's history (more detail with a raise).| |[[Planar Binding]]|Veteran|8|Summon / bind creature from another plane.| |[[Plane Shift]]|Veteran|4|Allows travel to other planes of existence.| |[[Protection]]|Novice|1|+2 Armor (+2 Toughness with raise).| |[[Puppet]]|Veteran|3|Opposed roll vs Spirit to control target.| |[[Relief]]|Novice|1|Removes Shaken, Distracted, or Vulnerable states (2 with raise), or ignores 1 point of Wound and Fatigue penalties (2 with a raise).| |[[Resurrection]]|Heroic|30|Brings the dead back to life.| |[[Sanctuary]]|Novice|2|Foes must make a Spirit roll to attack.| |[[Scrying]]|Seasoned|3|Caster can see and hear a target and surrounding area remotely.| |[[Shape Change]]|Novice|Special|Caster takes on the form of various beings.| |[[Sloth_Speed]]|Seasoned|2|Increases or decreases movement.| |[[Slumber]]|Seasoned|2|Puts victims to sleep.| |[[Smite]]|Novice|2|Increase a weapon's damage by +2/+4| |[[Sound_Silence]]|Novice|1|Create or mute sound.| |[[Speak Language]]|Novice|1|Caster can speak and understand languages.| |[[Stun]]|Novice|2|Target is Stunned.| |[[Summon Ally]]|Novice|Special|Conjures an ally of various sorts.| |[[Summon Animal]]|Novice|Special|Conjures a natural beast.| |[[Summon Monster]]|Novice|Special|Conjures a monster.| |[[Summon Undead]]|Novice|Special|Conjures undead horrors.| |[[Telekinesis]]|Seasoned|5|Moves items, Strength d10 (d12 with a raise).| |[[Teleport]]|Seasoned|2|Character teleports up to 12" distant.| |[[Time Stop]]|Heroic|10|Caster gets additional 1d4+1 turns.| |[[Time Stop]]|Heroic|10|Stop time for all others for 1d4 + 1 turns or until affecting another.| |[[Wall Walker]]|Novice|2|Character can walk on walls at half Pace (full Pace with raise).| |[[Warrior's Gift]]|Seasoned|4|Grants target a Combat Edge.| |[[Wish]]|Legendary|20|Choose one of several reality-altering events.| |[[Zombie]]|Veteran|3|Raises and controls the undead.|