Shape Change
Shape Change
Rank: Novice
Power Points: Special
Range: Self
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: “Morphing,” talismans, tattoos.
This power allows the caster to take the form of other living creatures. She can only turn into the base form of such beings, not elite or alternative versions (so a goblin is allowed but a goblin shaman is not). With a raise, the caster can increase the creature’s Strength and Vigor by one die type each.
The size of the new form is limited by the caster’s Rank:
Cost | Rank | Size |
—- | —- | —- |
3 | Novice | Size -4 to Size -1 |
5 | Seasoned | Size 0 |
8 | Veteran | Size 1 to 2 |
11 | Heroic | Size 3 to 4 |
15 | Legendary | Size 5 to 10 |
Held and worn items are assumed into the new form and reappear when the power ends.
While transformed, the character retains his Edges and Hindrances, and his Smarts, Spirit, and their linked skills. He gains the creature’s Agility, Strength, Vigor, and linked skills, as well as any powers common to that creature (fire breathing for dragons, flight for pegasi, etc). The caster does not gain a target’s Power Points if it has them—he retains his own.
His ability to use devices and communicate is limited to those of his form—goblins can speak and therefore cast spells but bears and tigers cannot. The caster may maintain powers cast before the shape change regardless of form.
Wound Effects: The caster cannot benefit from a creature’s additional Wounds or Wound reduction abilities like Resilient, Very Resilient, or Unstoppable, or extra Wounds from Large or Huge Scale creatures.
Duration (+1)
The power's Duration is measured in minutes instead of rounds.
Epic Modifiers
✪ Polymorph (+3)
The caster may, at a Range of Touch, transform a living being of Size −4 to Size 3 into a form of her choice. The spell is resisted by Spirit, and the new form must be able to survive in its current environment. Gear is absorbed into the creature’s form. With success, the victim retains his Smarts. With a raise, his Smarts is transformed into Animal Smarts and he cannot attempt to recover (see below) for one hour. Victims attempt to recover at the end of their turn by making a Spirit roll at −2 (−4 if the caster got a raise). This is a free action.
✪ Transform (+2)
The power may affect a willing target at a Range of Touch for +2 or Smarts for +3 (the Range modifier may increase this further).