Damage Field
Damage Field
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 4
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: Fiery aura, spikes, electrical field.
Damage field creates a dangerous aura around the recipient that harms foes foolish enough to get too close.
At the end of the affected character’s turn, all adjacent beings (including allies!) automatically take 2d4 damage.
Area of Effect (+2)
The caster may extend the damage field into a Medium Blast Template centered on the recipient, the caster is immune to her own damage field.
Damage (+2)
The damage field causes 2d6 damage.
Mobile (+2)
Mobile works o nly with the Area of Effect modifier. It allows the caster to detach the damage field from the recipient and move it up to his Smarts die type each round as a limited free action.
Epic Modifiers
✪ Greater Damage Field (+4)
The damage field causes 3d6 damage and is considered a Heavy Weapon.