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Rank: Novice

Power Points: 1

Range: Smarts

Duration: Permanent (lock); Instant (unlock)

Example Trappings: A skeleton key, miming opening or locking a lock, a loud knocking sound.

Lock magically seals a door, window, container, envelope, drawer, box, or other closeable item. Any attempt to open a magically locked container, door, or portal suffers a −4 penalty. Any further attempts by a character automatically fail until he increases his skill, at which point he may try again. A raise when magically locking the container means it can only be unlocked via the unlock version of this power (at the −4 penalty listed above) or by dispelling the magical lock then picking the lock as usual.

The caster may set a passphrase when the lock is created; the portal opens for anyone who speaks the phrase and remains open until the phrase is repeated.

Unlock may be used in place of Repair or Thievery (but not Strength) when attempting to unlock a container, door, or portal. It ignores up to 4 points of penalties to the task, and with a raise disarms any traps or alarms on the portal as well.

Neither spell has any effect on barriers, barricades, or blockages—only distinct objects which can be opened or shut.


Alert (+1)

Lock only. If the magically locked object is opened, the caster instantly knows this happened (and which object was unlocked if multiple instances of this power are in effect). A being who speaks the password (determined at the time of casting) doesn’t set off the alert. This warning lasts 1 day.