Detect/Conceal Arcana
Detect/Conceal Arcana
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 (detect); one hour (conceal)
Example Trappings: Waving hands, whispered words.
Detect arcana allows the recipient of the power to see and detect all supernatural persons, objects, or effects in sight for five rounds. This includes invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, and so on. With a raise, the caster knows the type of enchantment as well.
When used on a supernatural creature, the caster learns its active powers and arcane abilities. With a raise, he knows Weaknesses common to that creature type. This doesn’t reveal Weaknesses of unique individuals, if any. Those must usually be discovered through research or trial and error.
Invisible Creatures: Detect arcana also allows a character to ignore up to 4 points of penalties when attacking foes hidden by magical darkness, invisibility, or similar abilities (or all penalties with a raise).
Conceal arcana obscures one being or item of Normal Scale or smaller from the detect magic ability for one hour (see Detect Magic on page 141 and t he Size Table in Savage Worlds). For larger creatures, increase the cost by the Scale Modifier (+2 PPs for Large, +4 PPs for Huge, or +6 PPs for Gargantuan).
With a success, attempts to detect arcana on the being or item suffer a –2 penalty or –4 with a raise. If detect arcana fails, the character cannot see through the ruse with this casting and is not aware it is concealed unless presented with obvious evidence of such (for example, the attack of an invisible foe).
Additional Recipients (+1)
The power may affect more than one viewer for detect, or item for conceal, for 1 additional Power Point each.
Alignment Sense (+1)
The caster can sense the presence and exact location of supernatural good or evil within range. Detect arcana activated with Alignment Sense no longer requires line of sight to locate creatures.
Area of Effect (Medium) (+1)
Conceal only. The power affects everything in a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template for +1 points.
Area of Effect (Large) (+2)
Conceal only. The power affects everything in a sphere the size of a Large Blast Template for +1 points.
Identify (+1)
The caster can identify a magic item’s powers and how they work. Success reveals its powers and how they work, but only a raise reveals any cursed powers.
Strong (+1)
Conceal only. Detection rolls to see through the concealment are made at −2. This stacks with the additional penalty for casting with a raise.