Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Example Trappings: A magic belt, gestures, words of power.
Growth increases the recipient’s Size by 1 for every 2 Power Points spent. Each increase in Size grants the target a one-step increase to Strength and 1 point of Toughness. This does not increase Wounds regardless of change to Scale.
Shrink reduces the Size of the subject one step for every 2 Power Points spent to a maximum of Size −2 (approximately the size of a cat). Each step reduced decreases Strength one die type (minimum of d4) and Toughness by 1 (minimum of 2).
For unwilling targets, the caster’s arcane skill roll is opposed by Spirit.
Epic Modifiers
✪ Duration (+2)
The power's Duration is measured in minutes instead of rounds.
✪ Power (+2)
The target of shrink may retain her normal Strength and Toughness while small.