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Rank: Novice

Power Points: 1

Range: Smarts x2

Duration: Instant

Example Trappings: Fire, ice, light, darkness, colored bolts, a stream of insects.

Bolt sends damaging bursts of energy, streaks of holy light, or shards of matter toward one’s foes.

There are no Range penalties, but the arcane skill roll is affected by Cover, Illumination, and all other usual penalties.

The damage of the bolt is 2d6, or 3d6 with a raise.


Damage (+2)

The bolt causes 3d6 damage (4d6 with a raise).

Epic Modifiers

✪ Disintegrate (+2)

If the bolt Incapacitates a creature, it must make a Vigor roll or its body turns to dust. If the target is an object, the caster rolls damage against its Hardness as usual (see Breaking Things in Savage Worlds). If the bolt breaks the object, it disintegrates. Disintegrate allows the caster to roll bonus damage against objects and all damage dice can Ace. Enchanted Items: T he H ardness o f enchanted items is doubled for the purposes of being disintegrated.

✪ Greater Bolt (+4)

The bolt causes 4d6 damage (5d6 with a raise) and is considered a Heavy Weapon.

✪ Rate of Fire (+2)

The bolt attack is made at Rate of Fire 2 (at no Recoil penalty).