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Summon Ally

Summon Ally

Summon Ally

Rank: Novice

Power Points: Special

Range: Smarts

Duration: 5

Example Trappings: Clay figure that grows into a servant, a tattoo that comes to life.

This power allows the character to summon a magical servant from nothing. The ally typically takes the form of a basic humanoid of the appropriate Size but can appear differently based on the caster’s Trappings. It materializes anywhere in Range, and with a raise on the arcane skill roll, it’s Resilient as well.

The ally acts on its creator’s Action Card and follows her commands to the best of its ability. It has no personality, creativity, or emotions. When the power ends or the ally is Incapacitated, it fades into nothingness, leaving no trace behind.

The type of servant that can be summoned depends on the caster’s Rank. With the GM’s approval, the player may swap abilities. If a hero wants an attendant in the form of a wolf, for example, the caster might exchange the Shooting skill for Survival so that the “animal” can track its foes.

Mirror SelfHeroic7


Combat Edge (+1)

The ally has a Combat Edge (it must meet the Requirements as usual). You may take this modifier up to three times per ally.

Flight (+1)

The ally can fly at its base Pace.

Increased Trait (+1)

The caster can increase a Trait one die type for one Power Point. She may do this for as many Traits as she likes, but only once per Trait.

Mind Rider (+1)

The caster can communicate and sense through any of the allies summoned in this casting.

Epic Modifiers

✪ Additional Allies (+Special)

Additional allies of the same type may be summoned at the same time for half the Power Points cost of the original summons (total cost including modifiers, rounded up).