Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 10
Range: One town/community
Duration: One Year
Example Trappings: Prayers, chanting festivals.
The people of the land depend on priests, shamans, and other caretakers to bless their communities. This powerful spell allows them to bless the crops, the children, and the beasts of the fields.
The caretaker must spend an hour walking about the town and its fields, praying, chanting, sprinkling holy water, shaking sage, and otherwise asking for divine or magical aid. The arcane skill roll is attempted afterwards. If failed, the caster must start over. With a Critical Failure, the priest may not cast a blessing on these subjects again for one year.
If successful, the area’s crops come in hale and hearty, sickness and disease are rare, and couples are fertile and prosperous. The effects are relative. Casting blessing i n a blighted land may only raise a community to subsistence-level.