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Plane Shift

Plane Shift

Plane Shift

Rank: Veteran

Power Points: 4

Range: Smarts

Duration: Instant

Example Trappings: Cosmic hole in space, circle of magic runes.

Plane shift allows the caster to move directly to another plane of existence. If plane shifting to a known location, a success indicates the target appears within 10d10 miles of the intended location. With a raise, the mage appears half that distance away.

If the caster doesn’t know exactly where he wants to go, he can research locations within that plane to target a specific city, geographic location, etc. Failure means he arrives at a completely random location on that plane. Success puts him in the general vicinity, and a raise puts him closer to the desired locale. This is in addition to the accuracy of the arcane skill roll.


Additional Recipients (+1)

The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.

Epic Modifiers

✪ Extra-Dimensional Space (+1)

Instead of traveling to a known plane, the recipient travels to a pocket dimension where he’s conjured a magical shelter or similar structure with basic necessities, food, and water for up to five people. The structure remains afterward, so the mage and his companions may return to this space or to a new one, as desired.

✪ Transport Foe (+2)

The caster sends an unwilling target to another plane or extra-dimensional space. The being resists the casting with a Spirit roll. If failed, he’s transported to another plane of the caster’s choice for three rounds (five rounds with a raise) before returning (or as close as possible if the space is occupied).