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Sometimes a power's Trapping imposes a limitation on the power. If a character describes her fly power as growing wings, for example, she can claim the Personal Limitation listed below.

Each limitation placed on a power reduces its total Power Point cost by one (to a minimum of 1). If this would normally reduce the cost to 0, you gain a +1 bonus (+2 maximum) to the arcane skill total instead. (This means you cannot ever use limitations to make the cost of a power 0.)

Limitations are always in effect unless altered with an Advance (see below).

List of Limitations


Aspect (-1)

The character can only access one aspect of a power (that has more than one choice), such as sloth/speed or boost/lower trait)

2024/04/23 16:09 · 0 Comments


Personal (-1)

The power's Range becomes Self (if its usual Range is Touch or it has the range Limitation). This includes an item if the power is normally cast on an object (such as smite).

2024/04/23 16:09 · 0 Comments

Reduced Range

Reduced Range (-1)

The power's Range is reduced to Touch (if its usual Range is greater). The target of powers activated with the Touch Limitation must be within the reach of the caster's unarmed attack or Natural Weapon. The caster rolls his arcane skill but must meet the target's Parry and use this roll as the target's value in any appropriate Opposed Roll.

2024/04/23 16:09 · 0 Comments