Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 10
Example Trappings: Illusionary torch, sunlight, darkness, thick fogs
Light creates bright illumination in a Large Blast Template. With a raise, the light can be focused into a 5″ (10 yard) beam as well.
Darkness blocks illumination in an area the size of a Large Blast Template, making the area Dark, or Pitch Dark with a raise (see Illumination).
If light and darkness overlap, they create a patch of Dim light (−2).
Illuminate (+1)
Light only. The light forms around a target of Size 1 or less, illuminating it in a dull glow that eliminates 2 points of penalties from invisibility, darkness, or similar conditions. With a raise, the glow eliminates up to 4 points of penalties.
Mobile (+1)
The caster can move the template at a Pace equal to his arcane skill die type as a limited free action each round. He can also attach it to an inanimate object when first cast if desired. It can't be cast on a living being this way.
Epic Modifiers
✪ Area Effect (+)
Light only. The light expands to the caster's Smarts in radius, with a Range of Smarts x2. The light is sunlight and acts as natural sunlight.
✪ True Darkness (+2)
Darkness only. The darkness blocks Infravision, Low Light Vision, and Darkvision. It has no effect on magical sight such as detect arcana.