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Rank: Novice

Power Points: 2

Range: Smarts

Duration: 5

Example Trappings: Dissolving into the earth and appearing elsewhere, a body of sand.

Burrow allows t he recipient t o meld into raw earth. He can remain underground if he wants or burrow through the ground at half his normal Pace (or full Pace with a raise). He may not run.

A burrowing character may attempt to surprise a foe by making an opposed Stealth versus Notice roll. If the burrower wins, the target is Vulnerable to him only. With a raise, the burrower gets the Drop. Targets on Hold may attempt to interrupt the attack before it occurs.

Burrowers can’t usually surprise a foe once their presence is known, but can still burrow for protection and mobility.


Additional Recipients (+1)

The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.

Power (+1)

The caster can burrow through stone, concrete, or similar substances. (Some substances, like glass, solid lead, etc., might be resistant at the GM’s discretion.)