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Armor is written in parentheses next to a character's Toughness like this: 11 (2). This means 2 points of the character's 11 Toughness comes from Armor. An Armor Piercing attack can bypass those 2 points but not the other 9.

Armor covers specific parts of the body and provide their bonuses to only that part of the body. By default, all attacks target the torso, so that is the most important to protect, however if your swordsman doesn't have any greaves or covering for their arms, they are likely to be targeted by other fighters to take them down.

Also note that leg and arm guards have their weight and cost listed in pairs. If you only require or use one, halve those values to get the correct information. (Minimum Strength does not change).

Cloth/Light Leather

Characters with the Armor Interference may wear cloth or light leather armor without penalty.

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Cloak with hood (torso, head) +1 d4 5 5
Leggings +1 d4 5 5
Tunic (torso, arms) +1 d4 5 10
Robe with hooded Cloak (torso, arms, head) +1 d4 8 10

Light Armor

This includes Studded Leather Armor and Natural Armors (thick hide, wood, bone, bark, etc.)

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Leather Tunic or Jacket (torso, arms) +2 d6 11 20
Leather Leggings (legs) +2 d6 8 20
Leather or Natural Cap (head) +2 d6 1 10
Natrual Shirt (torso, arms) +2 d6 10 20
Natural Leggings (legs) +2 d6 7 20

Medium Armor

Chain Mail, Ring Mail, Scale Mail, Splint Mail, Bronze Armor, etc.

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Chain Shirt (torso, arms) +3 d8 22 100
Chain Leggings (legs) +3 d8 10 100
Chain Hood or Pot Helm (head) +3 d8 3 50
Bronze Corselet (torso) +3 d8 13 200
Bronze Greaves (legs) +3 d8 6 200
Bronze Vambrances (arms) +3 d8 5 100
Bronze Helmet (head) +3 d8 6 120

Heavy Armor

This is Plate Mail Armor.

Item Armor Min Str. Weight Cost
Plate Breastplate (torso) +4 d10 30 500
Plate Greaves (legs) +4 d10 10 500
Plate Vambraces or Gauntlets (arms) +4 d10 10 250
Heavy Helm (head) +4 d10 4 250
Enclosed Heavy Helm (head) +4 d10 8 300
Note: -1 to vision-based Notice rolls.

Armor Customizations

Item Weight Cost Notes
Armor Spikes 10 50 May be added to any armor, causing +1 damage when Crushing while Grappling.
Locked Gauntlet 5 8 +1 to Strength Roll against Disarm; requires an action to fasten/release