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Planar Binding

Planar Binding

Planar Binding

Rank: Veteran

Power Points: 8

Range: Smarts

Duration: Instant

Example Trappings: A summoning Circle, an iron casket, magical chains

The caster summons a creature from another plane, trapping them in some sort of prison, such as a binding circle. The trap is created with chalk, salt, glyphs and wards, or other materials prior to the power’s activation, and takes ten minutes to prepare.

Once the trap is prepared, the caster selects an extra-planar entity to summon. She must know about the creature somehow, perhaps by previous encounter, access to books and scrolls, or an Occult roll with a modifier set by the Game Master. The caster can summon a specific entity if she knows its proper name.

Casting is an opposed roll between the caster’s arcane skill and the entity’s Spirit. If the spell fails the entity knows who attempted to bind it. If the caster rolls a Critical Failure, the creature may appear if it chooses to and is unbound—it may do as it wishes and its abilities allow.

If the caster wins, the creature is summoned into the trap and magically bound there until it agrees to perform a service for the caster or breaks free (see below). The Power Points used to bind the target are invested and unavailable until the creature breaks free or completes its task.

Bargaining: Casters summon creatures to task them with a “service” of some sort, such as taking part in a difficult battle, acting as a bodyguard, or some difficult or unpleasant task. The negotiation can usually be handled through roleplaying (and perhaps a Persuasion or Intimidation roll).

Cunning creatures require more incentive. An evil being might ask for time to wander the earth and wreak havoc, a sacrifice, or some other “devil’s bargain” proportional to the service required. A good or noble creature might aid the summoner without reward if the cause is just, or might require she perform some task for her followers or sphere of influence. Entities never agree to impossible or unreasonable demands.

Once the creature agrees to the terms, it must carry them out to the best of its ability. The caster does not have to live up to any promises she set—though entities might seek revenge if deceived or their kind are summoned too often. Casters must be wary of this, especially if the beings have a way back to the prime material plane!

Breaking Free: If no agreement is made after 24 hours, the caster must renew the mystic bonds by making another opposed roll of her arcane skill versus the creature’s Spirit. This continues every 24 hours until an agreement is reached or the creature breaks free. The entity can’t use any other power or ability to escape.