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Rank: Seasoned

Power Points: 3

Range: Self

Duration: 5

Example Trappings: Images on a relfected surface, glowing eyes, a crystal ball.

Scrying allows the caster to spy on a distant target. Preparing the spell takes one uninterrupted minute while the caster focuses on a target item, creature, or location. This makes her Vulnerable and unable to take any other actions. If she’s Shaken or Stunned during this time, the spell fails.

If the caster has never seen the target herself, she makes her arcane skill roll at −2. Scrying on a target in a different plane of existence also imposes a −2 penalty.

Scrying is opposed by the subject’s Spirit. If the target wins, he knows he’s being spied on. If the caster wins, he can see and hear the target and the area around it but cannot move his perspective. With a raise, he can shift perspective and follow the target at a Pace 24.

A scrying “eye” may be seen with detect arcana (but not detect magic). It may also be dispelled (at −2 if suspected but not revealed).


Group Sight (+1)

The caster may share her perception with allies within a Range of Smarts for the power's Duration.