Requirements: Smarts or Spirit: d6
Warlocks make deals with powerful beings in exchange for a portion of their power or perhaps discover ways to tap into a portion of that power without that being's direct knowledge.
Occasionally they fail to meet the expectations of this pactholder, or catch the attention of this font and its dark eye latches onto them, searing the sorcerer’s soul with its unholy gaze.
Warlocks who roll a Critical Failure on a Spellcasting roll are Fatigued, Stunned, and gain Corruption (see below).
Warlocks entreat with ancient, powerful, and distant masters. Sometimes those entities’ touch brings ruin on the spellcaster’s body and soul. They have the Corruption Hindrance.
One of the powers you choose at character creation becomes your Favored Power as per the edge. This should be a power associated with your patron.
Your power comes with a price, you have the Vow Minor Hindrance, which represents either your patron providing you with tasks or work you must do to keep your borrowed power secret from its owner.