Arcane Background (Druid)
Requirements: Spirit: d6
Druids protect the wilderness, serve as priests for their local communities, or wander the world communing with nature and holding back the constant encroachment of civilization.
Most druids quickly acquire a heartwood staff (see below).
- Arcane Skill: Faith (Spirit)
- Power Points: 10
- Starting Powers: Beast friend, environmental protection, shape change, and two other powers chosen from the list below.
- Available Powers: Arcane Protection, Barrier, Beast Friend, Blessing, Bolt, Boost/Lower Trait, Burrow, Conjure Item, Create Pit, Damage Field, Darksight, Deflection, Disguise, Divination, Elemental Manipulation, Entangle, Environmental Protection, Farsight, Fear, Fly, Growth/Shrink, Havoc, Healing, Light/Darkness, Locate, Mystic Intervention, Protection, Relief, Shape Change, Sloth/Speed, Smite, Sound/Silence, Stun, Summon Animal, Summon Monster, Wall Walker, Warrior's Gift
Druids may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Miracles).
Armor Interference (Minor)
Bulky armor interferes with a druid's ability to sense and commune with nature. They have the Armor Interference (Minor) Hindrance.
Druids require small artifacts of their environment to cast their spells: sea shells, berries, twigs, etc. They have the Material Components Hindrance.
One With Nature
The base Duration of summon animal is increased to one hour. The Duration is also increased to one hour for the shape change spell as long as the druid (or his target) takes the form of a natural animal.
Wilderness Stride
Druids pass through rough terrain such as dense forest, rocky hills, or desert sands with ease. They ignore movement penalties for Difficult Ground.
Druids have a Vow (Major) to guard and protect nature. If they willingly allow significant destruction to the natural world or order (GM’s call), they subtract 2 from Faith rolls for a week. Catastrophic destruction might rob them of their powers entirely until they atone in some way.
Nature Sense
Druids commune with nature and its spirits, their Survival skil lis linked to Spirit rather than Smarts.