This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Arcane Background (Druid) ====== ===== Druid ===== **Requirements**: //Spirit//: d6 Druids protect the wilderness, serve as priests for their local communities, or wander the world communing with nature and holding back the constant encroachment of civilization. Most druids quickly acquire a heartwood staff (see below). * **Arcane Skill**: Faith (Spirit) * **Power Points**: 10 * **Starting Powers**: [[savage/powers/Beast friend]], [[savage/powers/environmental protection]], [[savage/powers/shape change]], and two other powers chosen from the list below. * **Available Powers**: [[savage/powers/Arcane_Protection|Arcane Protection]], [[savage/powers/Barrier|Barrier]], [[savage/powers/Beast_Friend|Beast Friend]], [[savage/powers/Blessing|Blessing]], [[savage/powers/Bolt|Bolt]], [[savage/powers/Boost_Lower_Trait|Boost/Lower Trait]], [[savage/powers/Burrow|Burrow]], [[savage/powers/Conjure_Item|Conjure Item]], [[savage/powers/Create_Pit|Create Pit]], [[savage/powers/Damage_Field|Damage Field]], [[savage/powers/Darksight|Darksight]], [[savage/powers/Deflection|Deflection]], [[savage/powers/Disguise|Disguise]], [[savage/powers/Divination|Divination]], [[savage/powers/Elemental_Manipulation|Elemental Manipulation]], [[savage/powers/Entangle|Entangle]], [[savage/powers/Environmental_Protection|Environmental Protection]], [[savage/powers/Farsight|Farsight]], [[savage/powers/Fear|Fear]], [[savage/powers/Fly|Fly]], [[savage/powers/Growth_Shrink|Growth/Shrink]], [[savage/powers/Havoc|Havoc]], [[savage/powers/Healing|Healing]], [[savage/powers/Light_Darkness|Light/Darkness]], [[savage/powers/Locate|Locate]], [[savage/powers/Mystic_Intervention|Mystic Intervention]], [[savage/powers/Protection|Protection]], [[savage/powers/Relief|Relief]], [[savage/powers/Shape_Change|Shape Change]], [[savage/powers/Sloth_Speed|Sloth/Speed]], [[savage/powers/Smite|Smite]], [[savage/powers/Sound_Silence|Sound/Silence]], [[savage/powers/Stun|Stun]], [[savage/powers/Summon_Animal|Summon Animal]], [[savage/powers/Summon_Monster|Summon Monster]], [[savage/powers/Wall_Walker|Wall Walker]], [[savage/powers/Warrior's_Gift|Warrior's Gift]] ==== Miracles ==== Druids may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Miracles). ==== Armor Interference (Minor) ==== Bulky armor interferes with a druid's ability to sense and commune with nature. They have the [[savage/hindrances/Armor Interference]] (Minor) Hindrance. ==== Components ==== Druids require small artifacts of their environment to cast their spells: sea shells, berries, twigs, etc. They have the [[savage/hindrances/Material Components]] Hindrance. ==== One With Nature ==== The base Duration of [[savage/powers/summon animal]] is increased to one hour. The Duration is also increased to one hour for the [[savage/powers/shape change]] spell as long as the druid (or his target) takes the form of a natural animal. ==== Wilderness Stride ==== Druids pass through rough terrain such as dense forest, rocky hills, or desert sands with ease. They ignore movement penalties for Difficult Ground. ==== Vow ==== Druids have a [[savage/hindrances/Vow]] (Major) to guard and protect nature. If they willingly allow significant destruction to the natural world or order (GM’s call), they subtract 2 from Faith rolls for a week. Catastrophic destruction might rob them of their powers entirely until they atone in some way. ==== Nature Sense ==== Druids commune with nature and its spirits, their [[savage/Survival]] skil lis linked to Spirit rather than Smarts.