Edges are how you differentiate your character. They're grouped by type to help during Character Creation and Advancement.
Unless an Edge says specifically says otherwise, it may only be selected once.
Requirements: Below each Edge is the minimum Rank required to take it along with any other prerequisites such as attributes, skills, or other Edges.
These Edges are typically advantages exclusive to a specific ancestry.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Angel Wings | Seasoned | The character grows wings. |
Armor of the Pit | Novice | +2 Armor and Environmental Resistance: Fire. |
Attuned to the Wild | Novice | Natural healing rolls every 24 hours with a +2 when in the woods. |
Blood Drinker | Novice | Make a natural healing roll after drinking blood. |
Casual Illusionist | Novice | Bonus to deceive others or steal with Power Points. |
Claw pounce | Novice | +2 damage on claw Wild Attack. |
Deepsight | Novice | Gain Nightvision |
Fey Blood | Novice | Free rerolls when resisting enemy powers. |
Razor Tusk | Novice | Gain a bite Natural Attack |
Wing Gust | Seasoned | Flyer makes an Athletics roll to cause everyone within a Cone Template to make a Vigor roll (-2 with a raise) or be Shaken. |
These Edges are typically advantages a character is born with, learns from long training, or after exposure to certain events.
Some can be taken after character creation with a little rationalization, maybe your character get a Makeover so you can now take the Attractive edge, or you find an ancient book of cursed knowledge and gain an Arcane Background, etc.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Alertness | Novice | +2 to Notice Rolls |
Ambidextrous | Novice | Ignore -2 penalty when making Trait rolls with off-hand. |
Arcane Background | Novice | Allows access to Arcane Backgrounds |
Arcane Resistance | Novice | Arcane skills targeting the hero suffer a -2 penalty (even if cast by allies!) and magical damage is reduced by 2 as well. |
↪ Improved Arcane Resistance | Novice | As Arcane Resistance, but penalty is increased to -4 and magical damage is reduced by 4. |
Aristocrat | Novice | +2 to Common Knowledge and networking with the upper class. |
Attractive | Novice | +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls. |
↪ Very Attractive | Novice | +2 to Performance and Persuasion rolls. |
Berserk | Novice | After being Shaken or Wounded, melee attacks must be Wild Attacks, +1 die type to Strength, +2 to Toughness, ignore one level of Wound penalties, Critical Failure on Fighting roll hits random target. Take Fatigue after every five consecutive rounds, may choose to end rage with Smarts roll -2. |
↪ Greater Berserk | Heroic | The hero's Strength increases two die types when raging and ignore an additional wound penalty |
Brave | Novice | +2 to Fear checks and -2 to rolls on the Fear Table. |
Brawny | Novice | Size (and therefore Toughness) +1. Treat Strength as one die type higher for Encumberance and Minimum Strength to use weapons, armor, or equipment. |
Brute | Novice | LInk Athletics to Strength instead of Agility (including resistance). Short Range of any thrown item increased by +1. Double that for the adjusted Medium Range, and double again for Long Range. |
Charismatic | Novice | Free reroll when using Persuasion. |
Chosen | Novice | When the Chosen spends Conviction, it lasts until the end of the encounter without having to maintain it with Bennies. The Chosen also has the Enemy (Major) Hindrance and a “mark” that helps them find her. |
Elan | Novice | +2 when spending a Benny to reroll a Trait roll. |
Fame | Novice | +1 Persuasion rolls when recognized (Common Knowledge), double usual fee for Performance. |
↪ Famous | Seasoned | +2 Persuasion when recognized, 5x or more usual fee for Performance. |
Fast Healer | Novice | +2 Vigor when rolling for natural healing; check every 3 days. |
Favored Enemy | Novice | -2 Persuasion, free reroll when failing to track (Survival) or attack against a particular type of foe. |
Favored Terrain | Novice | Character draws an additional Action Card in the chosen terrain. |
Fleet-Footed | Novice | Pace +2, increase running die one step. |
Heirloom | Novice | Character gains a magic item worth up to 10,000 gp |
Linguist | Novice | Character knows a number of languages equal to half her Smarts die. |
Luck | Novice | +1 Benny at the start of each session. |
↪ Great Luck | Novice | +2 Bennies at the start of each session. |
Lucky Help | Novice | Spend a Benny to allow an ally to reroll a Trait roll with a +2 bonus. |
Nimble Striker | Novice | No penalty when running and taking a single action. |
Pyromaniac | Novice | Deal increased damage with natural fire. |
Quick | Novice | The hero may discard and redraw Action Cards of 5 or lower. |
Rich | Novice | Cahracter starts with three times the starting funds and a $150K annual salary. |
↪ Filthy Rich | Novice | Five times starting funds and $500K average salary. |
Wilderness Stride | Novice | Ignore movement penalties for Difficult Ground. |
These Edges are typically related to dealing and surviving damage.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Alacrity of Mind | Seasoned | Use Smarts instead of Athletics when making Interrupting Actions. |
Armor Training | Novice | Lessen an Armor Restriction hindrance |
Block | Seasoned | +1 Parry, ignore 1 point of Gang Up bonus |
↪ Improved Block | Veteran | +2 Parry and ignore 2 points of Gang Up Bonus |
Combat Reflexes | Seasoned | +2 Spirit to recover from being Shaken or Stunned. |
Counterattack | Seasoned | Free attack against one foe per turn who failed a Fighting roll. |
↪ Improved Counterattack | Seasoned | As Counterattack, but against three failed attacks per turn. |
Covering Defense | Novice | Defend maneuver aids allies as well. |
Deadly Blow | Seasoned | The fighter adds +1 to all his damaging attacks. |
Defender | Seasoned | Character may share his shield's Parry and cover bonus with one adjacent ally. |
Dirty Fighter | Seasoned | +2 to Fighting Tricks. |
↪ Really Dirty Fighter | Seasoned | Raise on a Fighting Test grants The Drop |
Dodge | Seasoned | -2 to be hit by ranged attacks. (Does not stack with cover) |
↪ Improved Dodge | Seasoned | +2 to Evasion totals. |
Exploit Weakness | Heroic | Attack as if you are using a damage type they are weak to and slow enemy regeneration. |
Extraction | Novice | One adjacent foe doesn't get a free attack when you withdraw from close combat. |
↪ Improved Extraction | Seasoned | Three adjacent foes don't get free attacks when you withdraw from combat. |
Feint | Novice | You may choose to make a foe resist with Smarts instead of Agility during a Fighting Test. |
Formation Fighter | Novice | Fighter adds +2 to Gang Up bonus instead of +1. |
↪ Shield Wall | Novice | Fighter with shield adds +1 Parry to adjacent ally with Shield Wall Edge |
Free Runner | Novice | Ignore Difficult Ground and add +2 to Athletics in foot chases and Athletics (climbing). |
Giant Killer | Veteran | +1d6 damage vs creatures three Sizes larger or more. |
Hard to Kill | Novice | Ignore Wound penalties when making Vigor rolls to avoid Bleeding Out. |
↪ Harder to Kill | Veteran | Roll a die if the character perishes. On an even roll he's Incapacitated but survives somehow. |
Heroic Defiance | Seasoned | Automatically remove one of the listed negative conditions. |
Iron Jaw | Novice | +2 to Soak and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout Blows. |
↪ Take the Hit | Seasoned | Free reroll when Soaking or resisting Knockout Blows. |
Killer Instinct | Seasoned | The hero gets a free reroll in any opposed Test he initiates. |
MIssile Shield | Veteran | Increase your Toughness against ranged attacks. |
Martial Flexibility | Seasoned | Once per encounter, character may gain the benefits of an eligible Combat Edge for five rounds. |
↪ Improved Martial Flexibility | Veteran | The fighter may now choose two Combat Edges per encounter. |
Missile Deflection | Heroic | Ranged attackers use character's Parry as base TN. |
Mounted Shield | Novice | You grant your shield bonus to your mount. |
Nerves of Steel | Novice | Ignore one level of Wound penalties. |
↪ Improved Nerves of Steel | Novice | Ignore up to two level of Wound penalties. |
No Mercy | Seasoned | +2 damage when spending a Benny to reroll damage. |
Opportunistic | Veteran | A Joker adds +4 to Trait and damage rolls rather than +2. |
Roar | Seasoned | Maymake an Intimidation Test in a Cone Template. |
Scorch | Seasoned | Character's breath weapon increases a die type, and allows her to use Cone or Stream template. |
Shatterspell | Novice | Make a limited action to dispel a power. |
Sneak Attack | Novice | +2 to damage to Vulnerable foes, or when the rogue has The Drop |
↪ Shadow Strike | Veteran | Use your sneak attack in areas with bad illumination |
↪ Improved Sneak Attack | Veteran | May sneak attack a Distracted foe. |
↪ Greater Sneak Attack | Seasoned | Replaces rogue's +2 damage with a d6. |
Steady Hands | Novice | Ignore Unstable Platform penalty; reduce running penalty to -1. |
Stunning Blow | Seasoned | Foe must make a Vigor roll or be Stunned if Shaken or Wounded with a blunt weapon. |
Sunder | Novice | Attacker adds +d6 to damage when trying to break things. |
Trademark Weapon | Novice | +1 to Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or Shooting total with a specific weapon; +1 Parry while weapon is readied. |
↪ Improved Trademark Weapon | Seasoned | The attack and Parry bonus increases to +2 |
Tripping Strike | Seasoned | Cause an enemy to be knocked prone. |
Under and Over | Novice | Knock over large enemies attacking you. |
Weapon Specialization | Seasoned | Specialize in a weapon type for a free reroll on its damage rolls. |
🔗 Favored Enemy ↪ Master Hunter | Heroic | The hunter adds an additional d6 damage when making a successful Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or shooting attack against their Favored Enemies. |
🔗 Berserk ↪ Spirit Warrior | Heroic | Become better at killing fae, outsiders and similar creatures while going berserk |
Name | Rank | Summary |
Calculating | Novice | Ignore up to 2 points of penalties on one action with an Action Card of Five or less. |
Intimidating Glare | Veteran | Make an Intimidation roll as a free action when dealt a Jack or better in combat. |
Level Headed | Seasoned | Draw an additional Action Card each round in combat and choose which one to use. |
↪ Improved Level Headed | Seasoned | Draw two additional Action Cards each round in combat and choose which one to use. |
Name | Rank | Summary |
Charge | Seasoned | +2 damage to first Fighting roll when running at least 5“ (10 yards). |
Close Fighting | Novice | Fighter armed with a knife or small weapon adds REach +1 and Parry +1 toward a single foe armed with a larger weapon. |
↪ Improved Close Fighting | Veteran | The bonus from Close Fighting increases to Reach +2 |
First Strike | Novice | Free Fighting attack once per round when foe moves within Reach. |
↪ Improved First Strike | Heroic | Free Fighting attack against up to three foes when they move within Reach. |
Frenzy | Seasoned | Roll a second Fighting die with one melee attack per turn. |
↪ Improved Frenzy | Veteran | Roll a second Fighting die with up to two melee attacks per turn. |
Martial Prowess | Heroic | The fighter gets a free reroll on any failed Fighting roll. |
Mighty Blow | Novice | When dealt a Joker, deal double damage on first successful Fighting roll. |
Opportunistic Strike | Heroic | The rogue gets a free attack against a foe who Withdraws from Melee, even if they have Extraction. If they don't have Extraction, they count as Vulnerable to her. |
Savagery | Novice | +4 damage when Wild Attacking rather than +2. |
Sweep | Novice | Fighting rolla t -2 to hit all targets in weapon's Reach, no more than once per turn. |
↪ Improved Sweep | Veteran | As Sweep, but ignore the -2 penalty. |
Two-Fisted | Novice | Make one extra Fighting roll with a second melee weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty. |
Name | Rank | Summary |
Dead Shot | Novice | When dealt a Joker, double damage of first Athletics (throwing) or Shooting roll. |
Double Shot | Seasoned | Extra Shooting or Athletics (throwing) die, once per turn. |
↪ Improved Double Shot | Heroic | Extra die up to twice per turn. |
Double Tap | Seasoned | +1 to hit and damage when firing no more than RoF 1 per action |
Marksman | Seasoned | Ignore up to 2 points of penalties from Range, Cover, Called Shot, Scale, or Speed; or add +1 to first Athletics (throwing) or Shooting roll. Character may not move or fire greater than RoF 1. |
Point Blank Master | Veteran | Become better at shooting while engaged with enemies |
Rapid Fire | Seasoned | Increase RoF by 1 for one Shooting attack per turn. |
↪ Improved Rapid Fire | Seasoned | Increase RoF by 1 for one Shooting attack per turn. |
Rapid Reload | Novice | Reduce the Reload value of a weapon by 1. |
Rock and Roll! | Seasoned | Ignore the Recoil penalty when firing weapons with a RoF of 2 or more. Characters may not move. |
Trick Shot | Seasoned | Character may make foe resist with Smarts instead of Agility with Athletics or Shooting Test. |
Two-Gun Kid | Novice | Make one extra Shooting (or Athletics (throwing)) roll with a second ranged weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty. |
Name | Rank | Summary |
Brawler | Novice | Toughness +1, add d4 to damage from fists; or increase it a die type if combined with Marial Artist, Claws, or similar abilities. |
↪ Bruiser | Seasoned | Increase unarmed Strength damage a die type and Toughness another +1 |
Improvisational Fighter | Seasoned | Ignore -2 penalty when attacking with improvised weapons. |
Martial Artist | Novice | Unarmed Fighting +1, fists and feet count as Natural Weapons, add d4 damage die to unarmed Fighting attacks (or increase die a step if you already have it). |
↪ Martial Warrior | Seasoned | Unarmed Fighting +2, increase damage die type a step. |
↪↪ Chi | Veteran | Once per combat, reroll failed attack, make enemy reroll successful attack, or add +d6 to unarmed Fighting attack. |
Leadership Edges grant bonuses to allies, making them more effective, reliable or durable.
Unless an Edge says otherwise, it only affects allied Extras. Wild Cards only benefit if the leader has the Natural Leader edge.
Leadership Edges aren't cumulative with the same Edge from other leaders. Characters may benefit from different Leadership Edges by the same or different leaders, however.
Command Range: Allies must be within 5“ (10 yards) to benefit from her abilities. This is called her “Command Range”.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Command | Novice | +1 to Extras' Shaken or Stunned recovery rolls. |
↪ Banner | Seasoned | Carry a symbol that grants rerolls to allies within 10“ on Fear checks and running die rolls once per turn. Can wave the banner to remove Distracted and Vulnerable conditions. |
↪ Last Stand | Heroic | Inspire Last Stand: Bring Allies back from the brink of death. |
↪ Voice of Authority | Veteran | Grant Allies one of your combat edges. |
↪ Inspiring Command | Seasoned | Grant your allies increased fighting capabilities in comabt. |
↪ Tactician | Seasoned | Draw an extra Action Card each turn that may be assigned to any allied Extra in Command Range. |
↪↪ Master Tactician | Veteran | Draw and distribute two extra Action Cards instead of one. |
↪ Natural Leader | Seasoned | Leadership Edges now apply to Wild Cards |
↪↪ Team Up | Veteran | Allow allies to use limited actions and limited free actions an additional time each turn. |
↪ Inspire | Seasoned | Once per turn, the hero may roll his Battle skill to Support one type of Trait roll, and apply it to everyone in Command Range. |
↪ Hold the Line! | Seasoned | +1 to Extras' Toughness in Command Range |
↪ Fervor | Veteran | Extras in range add +1 to their Fighting damage rolls. |
↪ Command Presence | Seasoned | Increase Command Range to 10” (20 yards). |
These Edges boost powers and provide new ways to use and access them.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Advanced Origin | Heroic | The sorcerer gains his origin's advanced ability |
Arcane Armor | Novice | The character's Armor Interference is improved by one class (from light to medium, for example) |
Arcane Mastery | Veteran | You may now use Epic Power Modifiers |
Artificer | Seasoned | Allows user to create Arcane Devices |
↪ Master Artificer | Heroic | Artificer gains 1000 gp progress for each success and raise on his Occult roll when making arcane items. |
Battle Magic | Veteran | The mage may cast battle magic. |
Blood Magic | Novice | The mage recovers d6 Power Points when directly causing a Wound to a sapient creature. |
Bouncing Spells | Veteran | Redirect a spell to an opponent if your target resists your spell. |
Channeling | Seasoned | Reduce Power Point cost by 1 with a raise on the activation roll. |
Chemist | Novice | Concoctions last one week when given to others instead of 48 hours. |
Concentration | Seasoned | Reduce Power Point cost by 1 with a raise on the activation roll. |
Countersong | Veteran | Allies within 5“ get a free reroll when resisting or recovering from enemy spell effects. |
Deadly Illusion | Seasoned | Take the Deadly Power Modifier at no additional Power Point cost. |
Destroy Undead | Seasoned | Spend 1 Power Point to deal 2d6 damage to undead creatures in a Large Blast Template. (3d6 for 2 Points) |
Dirge | Heroic | Build dread in foes to reduce any Benny-induced Soak rolls or trait and damage rolls by 2. |
Eldritch Inspiration | Heroic | Spend a Benny to cast any power of your Rank or lower as long as you have your spellbook. |
Elemental Absorption | Novice | Toughness +2 when experiencing elemental synergy. |
Elemental Master | Seasoned | Gain an additioanl elemental origin to freely use both Trappings. |
Epic Mastery | Veteran | The caster may use Epic Power Modifiers. |
Extra Effort | Seasoned | Increase Focus by +1 for 1 Power Point or +2 for 3 Power Points |
Favored Power | Seasoned | Caster may ignore 2 points of any penalties when activating one chosen power. |
Favored Powers (Cleric) | Veteran | As a limited free action, the cleric may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting healing, sanctuary, or smite. |
Favored Powers (Druid) | Veteran | As a limited free action, the druid may ignore up to two points of any penalties when casting healing, sanctuary, or smite. |
Favored Powers (Sorcerer) | Seasoned | As a limited free action, the sorcerer may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting bolt, elemental manipulation, or protection. |
Favored Powers (Wizard) | Seasoned | As a limited free action, the wizard may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting arcane protection, deflection, dispel. |
Gadgeteer | Seasoned | Spend 3 Power Points to create a device that replicates another power. |
Great Power | Veteran | Spend a Benny to cast any power of up to 20 Power Points at a -2 penalty to his Spellcasting roll. |
↪ Phenomenal Power | Heroic | Spend Conviction to cast any spell in the setting as Great Power. |
Heartwood Staff | Novice | Focus your magic through a staff made of rare wood that allows you to spend a Power Point to deal an extra d6 damage. |
Hell's Wrath | Seasoned | Bolt, Blast and Burst Powers deal an extra +2 damage. |
Holy Symbol | Novice | Hold a symbol of faith to get a reroll on Faith |
Holy/Unholy Warrior | Seasoned | Add +1 to +4 to Soak rolls for each Power Point spent. |
Infernal Armor | Novice | Gain a +2 armor bonus from dark magic that gives you a visible glow and aura of dark magic. |
Instrument | Novice | Using an instrument of some kind when casting a spell adds +1 to your Performance roll. |
Master of Illusion | Novice | Gain the Mobility and Sound Power Modifiers at no additional Power Point cost. |
Mentalist | Seasoned | +2 to opposed Psionics rolls. |
Mercy | Novice | Grant Mercy to a character to recover them from the Distracted, Vulnerable, or Shaken. |
New Powers | Novice | Your character knows two new powers. |
Power Points | Novice | Gain 5 additional Power Points, no more than once per Rank. |
Power Pool | Seasoned | Allows a hero with more than one Arcane Background to merge the Power Points from each. |
Power Surge | Novice | Recover 10 Power Points when dealt a Joker in combat. |
Primal Magic | Seasoned | Add +2 to the damage of powers, but if you roll a Critical Failure, everyone in a Large Blast Template centered on you is stunned. |
Rapid Recharge | Seasoned | Recover 10 Power Points per hour. |
↪ Improved Rapid Recharge | Veteran | Recover 20 Power Points per hour. |
Sacred Fetish | Novice | Get one free reroll on failed Faith rolls as long as you hold your Fetish. |
Silent Caster | Novice | The mage does not need to speak to cast. |
Soul Drain | Seasoned | Recover 5 Power Points for a level of Fatigue. |
Spellbooks | Novice | Gain a new power and an additional power each time you take the New Powers Edge. |
Strong Illusions | Novice | Increase the size and power of your illusions, but foes will see through all if they see through one. |
The Evil Eye | Seasoned | Force one intelligent being make a Spirit roll at -2 before they can spend a Benny. |
The Witching Hour | Seasoned | During the witching hour, you cannot Critically Fail a roll and get a free Soak roll. |
Tinkerer's Armor | Seasoned | Reduce the Minimum Strength of leather amor or greater by one die type and add additioanl bonuses to your armor. |
Transfer | Novice | The mage may transfer up to five Power Points to anyone in sight as a limited free action. |
True Form | Seasoned | Speak and cast powers at a -2 penalty when shape changed in a form that normally doesn't allow it. |
Wizard | Seasoned | Spend 1 extra Power Point to change a spell's Trapping. |
🔗 Berserk ↪ Rage Prophet | Seasoned | Cast spells while berserk and make them harder to resist. |
↪↪ Rage Prophet II | Veteran | Spells targeting the caster are limited free actions. |
Name | Rank | Summary |
Mystic Powers (Barbarian) | Seasoned | Boost Trait (Fighting, Strength, Spirit, or Vigor only), smite, and speed. All have the Self Limitation. |
Mystic Powers (Fighter) | Seasoned | Boost Trait (Fighting, Shooting, Strength, and Vigor only), protection, and smite. All have the Self Limitation. |
Mystic Powers (Monk) | Seasoned | Boost Trait (Agility, Athletics, Fighting, and Spirit only), deflection, smite and speed/slow (speed only). All have the Self Limitation. |
↪ Great Ki | Veteran | The monk's Mystic Powers now includes Boost Trait (Strength), protection, speed, wall walker, warrior's gift. |
Mystic Powers (Paladin) | Seasoned | Boost Trait (Fighting and Spirit only), healing, protection, sanctuary and smite. All but healing have the Self Limitation. |
Mystic Powers (Ranger) | Seasoned | Beast friend, boost Trait (Athletics, Shooting, and Survival only), entangle, warrior's gift and farsight. All but entangle and beast friend have the Self Limitation. |
Mystic Powers (Rogue) | Seasoned | Boost Trait (Athletics, Stealth, and Thievery only), darksight, lock/unlock, sound/silence and wall walker. All have the Self Limitation. |
Mystic Powers (Shadow Force) | Veteran | blast, illusion, summon ally, or teleport (self only). All of these have a Shadow Trapping. |
Name | Rank | Summary |
Arcane Barding | Seasoned | Grant your summoned animals a +2 bonus to Toughness. |
Construct Familiar | Novice | Build a mechanical animal companion that serves as your Familiar. |
Familiar | Novice | Caster gains a small pet that grants her 5 Power Points and other abilities. |
Ferocious Summoning | Seasoned | Grant your summon monster summons any one Combat Edge of your rank or lower. |
Great Summoning | Heroic | Summon unique beasts such as a barghest, mammoth, frost mammoth, t-rex, or young dragon. |
Undead Familiar | Seasoned | Get an undead animal as a familiar |
Professional Edges reflect years of practice or experience in a particular trade, activity, or craft.
These are often taken at character creation, but training by a master or steady work can help one gain it at any time.
Stacking: Bonuses to the same Trait from different Professional Edges do not stack. Apply only the highest.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Ace | Novice | Character may spend Bennies to Soak damage for his vehicle and ignores up to 2 points of penalties. |
Acrobat | Novice | Free reroll on acrobatics Athletics attempts. |
↪ Combat Acrobat | Seasoned | -1 to hit with ranged and melee attacks against this hero. |
Born in the Saddle | Novice | Free reroll on Riding rolls, mount’s Pace increase by 2, Running die increases one step. |
Explorer | Novice | Survival roll to draw an additional card when using the Travel rule and choose between the two types; increases party's Travel Times by 10%. |
Investigator | Novice | +2 to Academics and certain types of Notice rolls. |
Jack-of-all-Trades | Novice | Gain d4 in a skill (or d6 with a raise) until replaced. |
Knight | Novice | The character has some authority over his liege's subjects (and +1 to Intimidation and Persuasion), and gains a war horse, lance, long sword, a full suit of heavy armor (or medium if preferred), and a medium shield. |
Loremaster | Seasoned | Lore: Free reroll on Academics, Common Knowledge, Occult, or Science. |
Master Alchemist | Seasoned | Create potions at half the usual costs in unusual situations. |
McGyver | Novice | Quickly create improvised devices from scraps. |
Mount | Novice | The hero gains a mount that becomes more powerful as he gains Ranks. |
Mr. Fix It | Novice | +2 to Repair rolls, half the time required with a raise. |
Nature Warden | Seasoned | Survivalist Gain +1 parry, Survival and Notice rerolls and other benefits in certain terrains. |
Poisoner | Novice | The character creates poisons in half the time and contact poisons last 12 hours instead of four. |
Scholar | Novice | +2 to any one “knowledge” skill. |
Scout | Seasoned | Scout gets aq Notice roll at -2 to detect Travel encounters, are always considered alert vs Stealth, and add +2 to Common Knowledge to know details of areas they've traveled. |
Soldier | Novice | Strength is one die type higher for Encumbrance and Min Str. Reroll Vigor rolls when resisting environmental Hazards. |
Stonecunning | Novice | Notice roll at +2 to detect traps, secret doors, etc., in stone. |
Thief | Novice | +1 Thievery. Athletics rolls made to climb. Stealth in urban environments. |
Trap Sense | Seasoned | Automatic Notice roll to detect a trap within 5” (10 yards); she and allies ignore 2 points of Evasion penalties to avoid them; ignores up to 2 points of Thievery penalties when attempting to disarm traps. |
Treasure Hunter | Novice | Smarts to gauge value of goods, may spend Benny to have GM to reroll magic items in random treasure. |
Troubadour | Seasoned | +2 Common Knowledge, may use PErformance instead of Battle for Leadership Edges or Edges that require Battle. |
Uncanny Reflexes | Veteran | Character may make foe resist with Smarts or Spirit when making a Smarts or Spirit-based Test. |
Woodsman | Novice | +2 to Survival and Stealth in the wilds. |
These Edges are typically advantages a character is born with, learns from long training, or after exposure to certain events.
Some can be taken after character creation with a little rationalization, maybe your character get a Makeover so you can now take the Attractive edge, or you find an ancient book of cursed knowledge and gain an Arcane Background, etc.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Aura of Courage | Novice | All allies within 10“ (20 yards) add =1 to Fear checks and subtract 1 from rolls on the Fear Table. |
Beast Bond | Novice | The hero may spend Bennies for animals under her control. |
Beast Master | Novice | Animals like your hero and he has a pet of some sort. See text. |
↪ Iron Paw | Veteran | Share spell effects with your animal companion |
Beast Talker | Novice | The hero can speak with animals. |
Brand | Seasoned | Brand a target giving it a glowing symbol when near certain symbols to distract the target. |
Champion | Novice | +2 damage vs. supernaturally evil creatures. |
Companion Soul | Heroic | Gain supernatural abilities with your animal companion. |
Danger Sense | Novice | Notice roll at +2 to sense ambushes or similar events. |
Duck and Cover | Novice | You and an ally can use each other's rolls when Evading. |
Healer | Novice | +2 to Healing rolls, magical or otherwise. |
Hex | Novice | The Witch/Shaman gains a unique, magic power of their choice. |
↪ Major Hex | Veteran | More powerful hexes for witches/shamans to choose. |
↪↪ Grand Hex | Legendary | Grand powers available to witches and shamans. |
Inspire Heroics | Seasoned | Give Inspiration tokens to others that allow them to reroll a Trait or damage roll. |
↪ Inspire Greatness | Veteran | Inspire Heroics grants an additional three tokens. |
Liquid Courage | Novice | Alcohol increases Vigor a die type and ignores one level of Wound penalty. -1 to Agility, Smarts, and related skills. |
Marked Foe | Novice | The hero “marks” a foe, granting them five uses of tokens that allow them to boost their own rolls against the target or lower the target's rolls. |
Mystical Servant | Novice | Enhance an animal companion |
Rapid Change | Novice | The character may change form as a limited action. |
Scavenger | Novice | May find a needed item once per encounter. |
Shadow Cloak | Seasoned | Free Soak at –2 when in Dim or Dark light. |
Wild Shape | Seasoned | The character gains shape change. Duration is one hour and she casts as if one Rank higher than usual. |
🔗 Mystic Powers ↪ Wholeness of Body | Heroic | May spend 2 Power Points to make a Soak roll. This does not count as spending a Benny. |
These edges are similar in concept to the professional edges, but represent a specialty you grow into. These are often edge “trees” with a series of edges requiring the previous.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Arcane Archer | Seasoned | Enhance arrows for +1 Shooting and damage, or give arrows a Trapping of some kind. |
↪ Arcane Archer II | Veteran | Empower an arrow to pass through physical barriers, or split into a Hail of Arrows that c overs an LBT. |
↪↪ Arcane Archer III | Heroic | Imbue an arrow with an area of effect power once per turn or fire Death Arrow once per day (victim who is Shaken or Wounded must make a Vigor roll or die). |
Assassin | Seasoned | Death Attack: If assassin attacks with the Drop and causes at least one Wound, the victim must make Vigor roll or die. |
↪ Assassin II | Veteran | Hide in Plain Sight: –4 to be seen if assassin doesn't move. Resistance to Poison: +4 to resist poison. |
↪↪ Assassin III | Heroic | Angel of Death: The assassin may crumble a slain victim to dust, preventing resurrection. Swift Death: Once per day, the killer gains the Drop on a foe of her choice. |
Dragon Disciple | Seasoned | Breath Attack: 3d6 damage plus Trapping effects, Cone Template, once per encounter. |
↪ Dragon Disciple II | Veteran | Wings: The character grows wings for Flight (Pace 8). |
↪↪ Dragon Disciple III | Heroic | Dragon Form: Twice per day the dragon disciple may take the form of a dragon of her bloodline. |
Duelist | Seasoned | Surgical Strike: +2 damage with certain weapons. Parry: Duelist may Defend if she hasn't acted yet for Parry bonus +6. |
↪ Duelist II | Seasoned | Crippling Strike: Reduce foe's Pace by 2 until healed. |
↪↪ Duelist III | Veteran | Deflect Arrows: –2 to be hit with physical ranged attacks. |
Eldritch Knight | Seasoned | Eldritch Recharge: Regain a Power Point with raise on an attack or arcane skill. |
Holy Vindicator | Seasoned | Stigmata: The character gains a bonus on healing rolls. |
↪ Holy Vindicator II | Seasoned | Bloodfire: Damage of your weapon is increased by your stigmata. |
↪↪ Holy Vindicator III | Veteran | Bloodrain: Your stigmata causes damage to enemies. |
Master Spy | Seasoned | Master of Disguise: Reduce the penatly for disguising yourself as ancestries of different size, age, or gender. |
↪ Master Spy II | Seasoned | Superficial Knowledge: Ignore penalties for Smarts based skill checks involving the character's cover. |
↪↪ Master Spy III | Veteran | Assumption: Become invisible to divination spells and mind reading. |
Mystic Theurge | Seasoned | Combined Spells: Cast two spells at once, rolling an arcane skill for each along with the Wild Die. |
↪ Mystic Theurge II | Veteran | Spell Synergy: Reduce cost of each spell when using Combined Spells ability. |
🔗 Sneak Attack ↪ Arcane Trickster | Seasoned | Ranged Legerdemain: Can use Thievery at Range of 5“ at –2 penalty; Impromptu Attack: Once per encounter, trickster may use Sneak Attack without Drop or Vulnerable. |
↪↪ Arcane Trickster II | Seasoned | Invisible Thief: Once per day, automatically cast invisibility for 1 Power Point and an automatic raise (no roll). |
↪↪ Arcane Trickster III | Veteran | Surprise Spells: The hero's spells benefit from Sneak Attack. |
🔗 Favored Terrain ↪ Horizon Walker | Seasoned | Terrain Mastery: Aids allies in specified terrain type. |
↪↪ Horizon Walker II | Veteran | Terrain Dominance: Gain special abilities based on Favored Terrains. |
Name | Rank | Summary |
🔗 Eldritch Knight ↪ Eldritch Strike | Veteran | Spend 2 Power Points after making an attack to add +2 to the attack total. |
↪↪ Improved Eldritch Strike | Heroic | Imp. Eldritch Strike: Spend 2 Power Points after making a successful attack to increase the attack's damage by +2. |
These Edges can only be taken by characters of the Legendary Rank.
Name | Rank | Summary |
Followers | Legendary | The hero has five followers. |
Home Ground | Legendary | Once per encounter, while on “home ground,” caster may spend a Benny to recover all her Power Points. She may also 'sense' the state of her home. |
Relic | Legendary | The character may choose any one magic item in the book (with GM's permission). |
Sidekick | Legendary | The character gains a Wild Card sidekick |
Soul Jar | Legendary | Become a Lich. |
Tough as Nails | Legendary | The hero can take four Wounds before being Incapacitated. |
↪ Tougher than Nails | Legendary | The hero can take five Wounds before being Incapacitated. |
True Professional | Legendary | The character's Trait and its limit increases one step. |
↪ True Expert | Legendary | The character's Trait and its limit increases one step |
↪↪ True Master | Legendary | The character's Wild Die is a d10 with a chosen Trait. |
Warband | Legendary | Five of the champion's Followers gain the Resilient ability. |
Weapon Master | Legendary | Parry increases by +1 and Fighting bonus damage die is d8. |
↪ Master of Arms | Legendary | Parry increases another +1 and Fighting bonus damage die is d10. |
🔗 Nerves of Steel ↪ Unstoppable | Legendary | Hero ahs the Unstoppable Monstrous Ability. |