Tinkerer's Armor
Tinkerer's Armor
Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Arcane Background: Tinkerer
The tinkerer modified his armor with cleverly placed springs, elastic straps, and reinforced bracers.
As long as the tinkerer wears at least leather armor and has four hours and some material odds and ends to make the proper adjustments, he can reduce the Minimum Strength of leather armor (+2) or greater by one die type. He may apply any one of the following effects with a minute’s work and a Repair roll (and may choose a different effect later if he likes):
- ARMS: The tinkerer a dds + 2 t o h is melee damage and gets a free reroll on Strength rolls (not damage rolls). - TORSO: Increase the Armor value of the chest and back by +2. - LEGS: The tinkerer can jump twice his normal distance and adds +4 to his Pace.
Breakdown: Any time the wearer suffers a Wound, roll a die. Odd, the armor’s additional effect falls apart and requires four hours work and a Repair roll to replace the appropriate mechanisms.