Grand Hex
Grand Hex
Requirements: Rank: Legendary, Wild Card only, Hex Edge, Major Hex Edge
Witches, Shamans, and similar magic users have access to additional supernatural abilities called hexes. You gain one of the following hexes each time you take this Edge. You cannot select an individual hex more than once.
DEATH CURSE: This hex seizes a creature’s heart, causing death in just a few moments. Death's curse has a range of 5“ (10 yards), and the target makes a Spirit roll. If failed, the creature takes Fatigue each round until it's Incapacitated, then makes a Vigor check or dies. With success, he takes 3d6 damage (ignoring armor) and the hex ends.
Slaying the witch that hexed the creature ends the effect, though the Fatigue remains. A creature cannot be the target of Death's Curse again for an entire day.
ETERNAL SLUMBER: As a limited action, the witch makes a Touch Attack with Spellcasting. With success, the target makes a Spirit roll (–2 with a raise). Failing this check causes it to fall into a deep slumber from which it cannot be woken except by a wish or by slaying the witch who cast it!
A witch can also poison food or drink with her hex, causing the next person to consume it to be affected. She may only have one such poisoned dish at a time, and it loses its potency after one minute if not consumed. A creature can't be affected by eternal slumber more than once per day.
FORCED REINCARNATION: The witch can move and take free actions, but can take no other actions other than performing this hex. The witch makes a Spellcasting roll, targeting her victim within a Range equal to her Smarts. With success, the target must make a Spirit check (at –2 with a raise on the Spellcasting roll), or die and be immediately reincarnated into a new body.. The reincarnated form is still a Wild Card if it was one before the hex was cast. A creature cannot be the target of this hex more than once a day.