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Home Ground

Home Ground

Home Ground

Requirements: Wild Card only, Rank: Legendary, Spirit d8+, Arcane Background: Any

There are few things more dangerous than a druid in her home forest, a wizard in his lair, or a necromancer in the ruined city his undead horde have built for him.

Working with the Game Master, designate one area as your hero’s “home.” This might be an entire forest, bay, coastline, or lake and its surroundings for a druid, a church and the small town it serves for a cleric, a tower and its environs for a wizard or elementalist, or a keep full of contraptions and chemicals for an alchemist or tinkerer.

Once per encounter, while within this area, the character may spend a Benny to recover all her Power Points. The mage also has a sense of her home, no matter how distant she may be. She may concentrate for ten minutes (one minute if on her Home Ground) to ask three questions about the current, observable state of her homeland, revealed through scrying, visions, or other eldritch sense.