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Professional Edges

Professional Edges

Professional Edges reflect years of practice or experience in a particular trade, activity, or craft.

These are often taken at character creation, but training by a master or steady work can help one gain it at any time.

Stacking: Bonuses to the same Trait from different Professional Edges do not stack. Apply only the highest.

General Professional Edges

AceNoviceCharacter may spend Bennies to Soak damage for his vehicle and ignores up to 2 points of penalties.
AcrobatNoviceFree reroll on acrobatics Athletics attempts.
Combat AcrobatSeasoned-1 to hit with ranged and melee attacks against this hero.
Born in the SaddleNoviceFree reroll on Riding rolls, mount’s Pace increase by 2, Running die increases one step.
ExplorerNoviceSurvival roll to draw an additional card when using the Travel rule and choose between the two types; increases party's Travel Times by 10%.
InvestigatorNovice+2 to Academics and certain types of Notice rolls.
Jack-of-all-TradesNoviceGain d4 in a skill (or d6 with a raise) until replaced.
KnightNoviceThe character has some authority over his liege's subjects (and +1 to Intimidation and Persuasion), and gains a war horse, lance, long sword, a full suit of heavy armor (or medium if preferred), and a medium shield.
LoremasterSeasonedLore: Free reroll on Academics, Common Knowledge, Occult, or Science.
Master AlchemistSeasonedCreate potions at half the usual costs in unusual situations.
McGyverNoviceQuickly create improvised devices from scraps.
MountNoviceThe hero gains a mount that becomes more powerful as he gains Ranks.
Mr. Fix ItNovice+2 to Repair rolls, half the time required with a raise.
Nature WardenSeasonedSurvivalist Gain +1 parry, Survival and Notice rerolls and other benefits in certain terrains.
PoisonerNoviceThe character creates poisons in half the time and contact poisons last 12 hours instead of four.
ScholarNovice+2 to any one “knowledge” skill.
ScoutSeasonedScout gets aq Notice roll at -2 to detect Travel encounters, are always considered alert vs Stealth, and add +2 to Common Knowledge to know details of areas they've traveled.
SoldierNoviceStrength is one die type higher for Encumbrance and Min Str. Reroll Vigor rolls when resisting environmental Hazards.
StonecunningNoviceNotice roll at +2 to detect traps, secret doors, etc., in stone.
ThiefNovice+1 Thievery. Athletics rolls made to climb. Stealth in urban environments.
Trap SenseSeasonedAutomatic Notice roll to detect a trap within 5” (10 yards); she and allies ignore 2 points of Evasion penalties to avoid them; ignores up to 2 points of Thievery penalties when attempting to disarm traps.
Treasure HunterNoviceSmarts to gauge value of goods, may spend Benny to have GM to reroll magic items in random treasure.
TroubadourSeasoned+2 Common Knowledge, may use PErformance instead of Battle for Leadership Edges or Edges that require Battle.
Uncanny ReflexesVeteranCharacter may make foe resist with Smarts or Spirit when making a Smarts or Spirit-based Test.
WoodsmanNovice+2 to Survival and Stealth in the wilds.
2024/04/14 16:12 · 0 Comments