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Leadership Edges

Leadership Edges

Leadership Edges grant bonuses to allies, making them more effective, reliable or durable.

Unless an Edge says otherwise, it only affects allied Extras. Wild Cards only benefit if the leader has the Natural Leader edge.

Leadership Edges aren't cumulative with the same Edge from other leaders. Characters may benefit from different Leadership Edges by the same or different leaders, however.

Command Range: Allies must be within 5“ (10 yards) to benefit from her abilities. This is called her “Command Range”.

General Leadership Edges

CommandNovice+1 to Extras' Shaken or Stunned recovery rolls.
BannerSeasonedCarry a symbol that grants rerolls to allies within 10“ on Fear checks and running die rolls once per turn. Can wave the banner to remove Distracted and Vulnerable conditions.
Last StandHeroicInspire Last Stand: Bring Allies back from the brink of death.
Voice of AuthorityVeteranGrant Allies one of your combat edges.
Inspiring CommandSeasonedGrant your allies increased fighting capabilities in comabt.
TacticianSeasonedDraw an extra Action Card each turn that may be assigned to any allied Extra in Command Range.
↪↪ Master TacticianVeteranDraw and distribute two extra Action Cards instead of one.
Natural LeaderSeasonedLeadership Edges now apply to Wild Cards
↪↪ Team UpVeteranAllow allies to use limited actions and limited free actions an additional time each turn.
InspireSeasonedOnce per turn, the hero may roll his Battle skill to Support one type of Trait roll, and apply it to everyone in Command Range.
Hold the Line!Seasoned+1 to Extras' Toughness in Command Range
FervorVeteranExtras in range add +1 to their Fighting damage rolls.
Command PresenceSeasonedIncrease Command Range to 10” (20 yards).
2024/04/14 16:12 · 0 Comments