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Weird Edge List

General Weird Edges

Aura of CourageNoviceAll allies within 10“ (20 yards) add =1 to Fear checks and subtract 1 from rolls on the Fear Table.
Beast BondNoviceThe hero may spend Bennies for animals under her control.
Beast MasterNoviceAnimals like your hero and he has a pet of some sort. See text.
Iron PawVeteranShare spell effects with your animal companion
Beast TalkerNoviceThe hero can speak with animals.
BrandSeasonedBrand a target giving it a glowing symbol when near certain symbols to distract the target.
ChampionNovice+2 damage vs. supernaturally evil creatures.
Companion SoulHeroicGain supernatural abilities with your animal companion.
Danger SenseNoviceNotice roll at +2 to sense ambushes or similar events.
Duck and CoverNoviceYou and an ally can use each other's rolls when Evading.
HealerNovice+2 to Healing rolls, magical or otherwise.
HexNoviceThe Witch/Shaman gains a unique, magic power of their choice.
Major HexVeteranMore powerful hexes for witches/shamans to choose.
↪↪ Grand HexLegendaryGrand powers available to witches and shamans.
Inspire HeroicsSeasonedGive Inspiration tokens to others that allow them to reroll a Trait or damage roll.
Inspire GreatnessVeteranInspire Heroics grants an additional three tokens.
Liquid CourageNoviceAlcohol increases Vigor a die type and ignores one level of Wound penalty. -1 to Agility, Smarts, and related skills.
Marked FoeNoviceThe hero “marks” a foe, granting them five uses of tokens that allow them to boost their own rolls against the target or lower the target's rolls.
Mystical ServantNoviceEnhance an animal companion
Rapid ChangeNoviceThe character may change form as a limited action.
ScavengerNoviceMay find a needed item once per encounter.
Shadow CloakSeasonedFree Soak at –2 when in Dim or Dark light.
Wild ShapeSeasonedThe character gains shape change. Duration is one hour and she casts as if one Rank higher than usual.
🔗 Mystic Powers
Wholeness of Body
HeroicMay spend 2 Power Points to make a Soak roll. This does not count as spending a Benny.