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Combat Edge List

General Combat Edges

Alacrity of MindSeasonedUse Smarts instead of Athletics when making Interrupting Actions.
Armor TrainingNoviceLessen an Armor Restriction hindrance
BlockSeasoned+1 Parry, ignore 1 point of Gang Up bonus
Improved BlockVeteran+2 Parry and ignore 2 points of Gang Up Bonus
Combat ReflexesSeasoned+2 Spirit to recover from being Shaken or Stunned.
CounterattackSeasonedFree attack against one foe per turn who failed a Fighting roll.
Improved CounterattackSeasonedAs Counterattack, but against three failed attacks per turn.
Covering DefenseNoviceDefend maneuver aids allies as well.
Deadly BlowSeasonedThe fighter adds +1 to all his damaging attacks.
DefenderSeasonedCharacter may share his shield's Parry and cover bonus with one adjacent ally.
Dirty FighterSeasoned+2 to Fighting Tricks.
Really Dirty FighterSeasonedRaise on a Fighting Test grants The Drop
DodgeSeasoned-2 to be hit by ranged attacks. (Does not stack with cover)
Improved DodgeSeasoned+2 to Evasion totals.
Exploit WeaknessHeroicAttack as if you are using a damage type they are weak to and slow enemy regeneration.
ExtractionNoviceOne adjacent foe doesn't get a free attack when you withdraw from close combat.
Improved ExtractionSeasonedThree adjacent foes don't get free attacks when you withdraw from combat.
FeintNoviceYou may choose to make a foe resist with Smarts instead of Agility during a Fighting Test.
Formation FighterNoviceFighter adds +2 to Gang Up bonus instead of +1.
Shield WallNoviceFighter with shield adds +1 Parry to adjacent ally with Shield Wall Edge
Free RunnerNoviceIgnore Difficult Ground and add +2 to Athletics in foot chases and Athletics (climbing).
Giant KillerVeteran+1d6 damage vs creatures three Sizes larger or more.
Hard to KillNoviceIgnore Wound penalties when making Vigor rolls to avoid Bleeding Out.
Harder to KillVeteranRoll a die if the character perishes. On an even roll he's Incapacitated but survives somehow.
Heroic DefianceSeasonedAutomatically remove one of the listed negative conditions.
Iron JawNovice+2 to Soak and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout Blows.
Take the HitSeasonedFree reroll when Soaking or resisting Knockout Blows.
Killer InstinctSeasonedThe hero gets a free reroll in any opposed Test he initiates.
MIssile ShieldVeteranIncrease your Toughness against ranged attacks.
Martial FlexibilitySeasonedOnce per encounter, character may gain the benefits of an eligible Combat Edge for five rounds.
Improved Martial FlexibilityVeteranThe fighter may now choose two Combat Edges per encounter.
Missile DeflectionHeroicRanged attackers use character's Parry as base TN.
Mounted ShieldNoviceYou grant your shield bonus to your mount.
Nerves of SteelNoviceIgnore one level of Wound penalties.
Improved Nerves of SteelNoviceIgnore up to two level of Wound penalties.
No MercySeasoned+2 damage when spending a Benny to reroll damage.
OpportunisticVeteranA Joker adds +4 to Trait and damage rolls rather than +2.
RoarSeasonedMaymake an Intimidation Test in a Cone Template.
ScorchSeasonedCharacter's breath weapon increases a die type, and allows her to use Cone or Stream template.
ShatterspellNoviceMake a limited action to dispel a power.
Sneak AttackNovice+2 to damage to Vulnerable foes, or when the rogue has The Drop
Shadow StrikeVeteranUse your sneak attack in areas with bad illumination
Improved Sneak AttackVeteranMay sneak attack a Distracted foe.
Greater Sneak AttackSeasonedReplaces rogue's +2 damage with a d6.
Steady HandsNoviceIgnore Unstable Platform penalty; reduce running penalty to -1.
Stunning BlowSeasonedFoe must make a Vigor roll or be Stunned if Shaken or Wounded with a blunt weapon.
SunderNoviceAttacker adds +d6 to damage when trying to break things.
Trademark WeaponNovice+1 to Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or Shooting total with a specific weapon; +1 Parry while weapon is readied.
Improved Trademark WeaponSeasonedThe attack and Parry bonus increases to +2
Tripping StrikeSeasonedCause an enemy to be knocked prone.
Under and OverNoviceKnock over large enemies attacking you.
Weapon SpecializationSeasonedSpecialize in a weapon type for a free reroll on its damage rolls.
🔗 Favored Enemy
Master Hunter
HeroicThe hunter adds an additional d6 damage when making a successful Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or shooting attack against their Favored Enemies.
🔗 Berserk
Spirit Warrior
HeroicBecome better at killing fae, outsiders and similar creatures while going berserk

Initiative Edges

CalculatingNoviceIgnore up to 2 points of penalties on one action with an Action Card of Five or less.
Intimidating GlareVeteranMake an Intimidation roll as a free action when dealt a Jack or better in combat.
Level HeadedSeasonedDraw an additional Action Card each round in combat and choose which one to use.
Improved Level HeadedSeasonedDraw two additional Action Cards each round in combat and choose which one to use.

Melee Attacks Edges

ChargeSeasoned+2 damage to first Fighting roll when running at least 5“ (10 yards).
Close FightingNoviceFighter armed with a knife or small weapon adds REach +1 and Parry +1 toward a single foe armed with a larger weapon.
Improved Close FightingVeteranThe bonus from Close Fighting increases to Reach +2
First StrikeNoviceFree Fighting attack once per round when foe moves within Reach.
Improved First StrikeHeroicFree Fighting attack against up to three foes when they move within Reach.
FrenzySeasonedRoll a second Fighting die with one melee attack per turn.
Improved FrenzyVeteranRoll a second Fighting die with up to two melee attacks per turn.
Martial ProwessHeroicThe fighter gets a free reroll on any failed Fighting roll.
Mighty BlowNoviceWhen dealt a Joker, deal double damage on first successful Fighting roll.
Opportunistic StrikeHeroicThe rogue gets a free attack against a foe who Withdraws from Melee, even if they have Extraction. If they don't have Extraction, they count as Vulnerable to her.
SavageryNovice+4 damage when Wild Attacking rather than +2.
SweepNoviceFighting rolla t -2 to hit all targets in weapon's Reach, no more than once per turn.
Improved SweepVeteranAs Sweep, but ignore the -2 penalty.
Two-FistedNoviceMake one extra Fighting roll with a second melee weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty.

Ranged Attacks Edges

Dead ShotNoviceWhen dealt a Joker, double damage of first Athletics (throwing) or Shooting roll.
Double ShotSeasonedExtra Shooting or Athletics (throwing) die, once per turn.
Improved Double ShotHeroicExtra die up to twice per turn.
Double TapSeasoned+1 to hit and damage when firing no more than RoF 1 per action
MarksmanSeasonedIgnore up to 2 points of penalties from Range, Cover, Called Shot, Scale, or Speed; or add +1 to first Athletics (throwing) or Shooting roll. Character may not move or fire greater than RoF 1.
Point Blank MasterVeteranBecome better at shooting while engaged with enemies
Rapid FireSeasonedIncrease RoF by 1 for one Shooting attack per turn.
Improved Rapid FireSeasonedIncrease RoF by 1 for one Shooting attack per turn.
Rapid ReloadNoviceReduce the Reload value of a weapon by 1.
Rock and Roll!SeasonedIgnore the Recoil penalty when firing weapons with a RoF of 2 or more. Characters may not move.
Trick ShotSeasonedCharacter may make foe resist with Smarts instead of Agility with Athletics or Shooting Test.
Two-Gun KidNoviceMake one extra Shooting (or Athletics (throwing)) roll with a second ranged weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty.

Unarmed Fighting Edges

BrawlerNoviceToughness +1, add d4 to damage from fists; or increase it a die type if combined with Marial Artist, Claws, or similar abilities.
BruiserSeasonedIncrease unarmed Strength damage a die type and Toughness another +1
Improvisational FighterSeasonedIgnore -2 penalty when attacking with improvised weapons.
Martial ArtistNoviceUnarmed Fighting +1, fists and feet count as Natural Weapons, add d4 damage die to unarmed Fighting attacks (or increase die a step if you already have it).
Martial WarriorSeasonedUnarmed Fighting +2, increase damage die type a step.
↪↪ ChiVeteranOnce per combat, reroll failed attack, make enemy reroll successful attack, or add +d6 to unarmed Fighting attack.