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Prestige Edges

Prestige Edges

These edges are similar in concept to the professional edges, but represent a specialty you grow into. These are often edge “trees” with a series of edges requiring the previous.

General Prestige Edges

Arcane ArcherSeasonedEnhance arrows for +1 Shooting and damage, or give arrows a Trapping of some kind.
Arcane Archer IIVeteranEmpower an arrow to pass through physical barriers, or split into a Hail of Arrows that c overs an LBT.
↪↪ Arcane Archer IIIHeroicImbue an arrow with an area of effect power once per turn or fire Death Arrow once per day (victim who is Shaken or Wounded must make a Vigor roll or die).
AssassinSeasonedDeath Attack: If assassin attacks with the Drop and causes at least one Wound, the victim must make Vigor roll or die.
Assassin IIVeteranHide in Plain Sight: –4 to be seen if assassin doesn't move. Resistance to Poison: +4 to resist poison.
↪↪ Assassin IIIHeroicAngel of Death: The assassin may crumble a slain victim to dust, preventing resurrection. Swift Death: Once per day, the killer gains the Drop on a foe of her choice.
Dragon DiscipleSeasonedBreath Attack: 3d6 damage plus Trapping effects, Cone Template, once per encounter.
Dragon Disciple IIVeteranWings: The character grows wings for Flight (Pace 8).
↪↪ Dragon Disciple IIIHeroicDragon Form: Twice per day the dragon disciple may take the form of a dragon of her bloodline.
DuelistSeasonedSurgical Strike: +2 damage with certain weapons. Parry: Duelist may Defend if she hasn't acted yet for Parry bonus +6.
Duelist IISeasonedCrippling Strike: Reduce foe's Pace by 2 until healed.
↪↪ Duelist IIIVeteranDeflect Arrows: –2 to be hit with physical ranged attacks.
Eldritch KnightSeasonedEldritch Recharge: Regain a Power Point with raise on an attack or arcane skill.
Holy VindicatorSeasonedStigmata: The character gains a bonus on healing rolls.
Holy Vindicator IISeasonedBloodfire: Damage of your weapon is increased by your stigmata.
↪↪ Holy Vindicator IIIVeteranBloodrain: Your stigmata causes damage to enemies.
Master SpySeasonedMaster of Disguise: Reduce the penatly for disguising yourself as ancestries of different size, age, or gender.
Master Spy IISeasonedSuperficial Knowledge: Ignore penalties for Smarts based skill checks involving the character's cover.
↪↪ Master Spy IIIVeteranAssumption: Become invisible to divination spells and mind reading.
Mystic TheurgeSeasonedCombined Spells: Cast two spells at once, rolling an arcane skill for each along with the Wild Die.
Mystic Theurge IIVeteranSpell Synergy: Reduce cost of each spell when using Combined Spells ability.
🔗 Sneak Attack
Arcane Trickster
SeasonedRanged Legerdemain: Can use Thievery at Range of 5“ at –2 penalty; Impromptu Attack: Once per encounter, trickster may use Sneak Attack without Drop or Vulnerable.
↪↪ Arcane Trickster IISeasonedInvisible Thief: Once per day, automatically cast invisibility for 1 Power Point and an automatic raise (no roll).
↪↪ Arcane Trickster IIIVeteranSurprise Spells: The hero's spells benefit from Sneak Attack.
🔗 Favored Terrain
Horizon Walker
SeasonedTerrain Mastery: Aids allies in specified terrain type.
↪↪ Horizon Walker IIVeteranTerrain Dominance: Gain special abilities based on Favored Terrains.

Magic Edges

🔗 Eldritch Knight
Eldritch Strike
VeteranSpend 2 Power Points after making an attack to add +2 to the attack total.
↪↪ Improved Eldritch StrikeHeroicImp. Eldritch Strike: Spend 2 Power Points after making a successful attack to increase the attack's damage by +2.
2024/04/14 16:12 · 0 Comments