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Beast Master

Beast Master

Beast Master

Requirements: Rank: Novice, Spirit d8+

Animals take to your hero quickly and easily. They won’t attack him unless he attacks them first or they’re enraged for some reason.

The Beast Master’s “animal magnetism” is so great he’s attracted a loyal animal of some sort as well. This is typically an animal of Size 0 or smaller, subject to the GM’s approval.

The beast is an Extra and doesn’t Advance in Rank or abilities. If a pet is dismissed or killed, the hero gains a replacement in 1d4 days.

More Powerful Companions: Beast Master may be taken more than once. Choose one of the effects below each time it’s chosen:

- Gain an additional pet.

- Increase one of the pet’s Traits one die type (only one Trait per pet).

- Increase the maximum Size pet you may have by +1, to a maximum of 3.

- Make one pet a Wild Card. (The hero must be of Heroic Rank).