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Power Edge List

General Power Edges

Advanced OriginHeroicThe sorcerer gains his origin's advanced ability
Arcane ArmorNoviceThe character's Armor Interference is improved by one class (from light to medium, for example)
Arcane MasteryVeteranYou may now use Epic Power Modifiers
ArtificerSeasonedAllows user to create Arcane Devices
Master ArtificerHeroicArtificer gains 1000 gp progress for each success and raise on his Occult roll when making arcane items.
Battle MagicVeteranThe mage may cast battle magic.
Blood MagicNoviceThe mage recovers d6 Power Points when directly causing a Wound to a sapient creature.
Bouncing SpellsVeteranRedirect a spell to an opponent if your target resists your spell.
ChannelingSeasonedReduce Power Point cost by 1 with a raise on the activation roll.
ChemistNoviceConcoctions last one week when given to others instead of 48 hours.
ConcentrationSeasonedReduce Power Point cost by 1 with a raise on the activation roll.
CountersongVeteranAllies within 5“ get a free reroll when resisting or recovering from enemy spell effects.
Deadly IllusionSeasonedTake the Deadly Power Modifier at no additional Power Point cost.
Destroy UndeadSeasonedSpend 1 Power Point to deal 2d6 damage to undead creatures in a Large Blast Template. (3d6 for 2 Points)
DirgeHeroicBuild dread in foes to reduce any Benny-induced Soak rolls or trait and damage rolls by 2.
Eldritch InspirationHeroicSpend a Benny to cast any power of your Rank or lower as long as you have your spellbook.
Elemental AbsorptionNoviceToughness +2 when experiencing elemental synergy.
Elemental MasterSeasonedGain an additioanl elemental origin to freely use both Trappings.
Epic MasteryVeteranThe caster may use Epic Power Modifiers.
Extra EffortSeasonedIncrease Focus by +1 for 1 Power Point or +2 for 3 Power Points
Favored PowerSeasonedCaster may ignore 2 points of any penalties when activating one chosen power.
Favored Powers (Cleric)VeteranAs a limited free action, the cleric may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting healing, sanctuary, or smite.
Favored Powers (Druid)VeteranAs a limited free action, the druid may ignore up to two points of any penalties when casting healing, sanctuary, or smite.
Favored Powers (Sorcerer)SeasonedAs a limited free action, the sorcerer may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting bolt, elemental manipulation, or protection.
Favored Powers (Wizard)SeasonedAs a limited free action, the wizard may ignore up to two poitns of any penalties when casting arcane protection, deflection, dispel.
GadgeteerSeasonedSpend 3 Power Points to create a device that replicates another power.
Great PowerVeteranSpend a Benny to cast any power of up to 20 Power Points at a -2 penalty to his Spellcasting roll.
Phenomenal PowerHeroicSpend Conviction to cast any spell in the setting as Great Power.
Heartwood StaffNoviceFocus your magic through a staff made of rare wood that allows you to spend a Power Point to deal an extra d6 damage.
Hell's WrathSeasonedBolt, Blast and Burst Powers deal an extra +2 damage.
Holy SymbolNoviceHold a symbol of faith to get a reroll on Faith
Holy/Unholy WarriorSeasonedAdd +1 to +4 to Soak rolls for each Power Point spent.
Infernal ArmorNoviceGain a +2 armor bonus from dark magic that gives you a visible glow and aura of dark magic.
InstrumentNoviceUsing an instrument of some kind when casting a spell adds +1 to your Performance roll.
Master of IllusionNoviceGain the Mobility and Sound Power Modifiers at no additional Power Point cost.
MentalistSeasoned+2 to opposed Psionics rolls.
MercyNoviceGrant Mercy to a character to recover them from the Distracted, Vulnerable, or Shaken.
New PowersNoviceYour character knows two new powers.
Power PointsNoviceGain 5 additional Power Points, no more than once per Rank.
Power PoolSeasonedAllows a hero with more than one Arcane Background to merge the Power Points from each.
Power SurgeNoviceRecover 10 Power Points when dealt a Joker in combat.
Primal MagicSeasonedAdd +2 to the damage of powers, but if you roll a Critical Failure, everyone in a Large Blast Template centered on you is stunned.
Rapid RechargeSeasonedRecover 10 Power Points per hour.
Improved Rapid RechargeVeteranRecover 20 Power Points per hour.
Sacred FetishNoviceGet one free reroll on failed Faith rolls as long as you hold your Fetish.
Silent CasterNoviceThe mage does not need to speak to cast.
Soul DrainSeasonedRecover 5 Power Points for a level of Fatigue.
SpellbooksNoviceGain a new power and an additional power each time you take the New Powers Edge.
Strong IllusionsNoviceIncrease the size and power of your illusions, but foes will see through all if they see through one.
The Evil EyeSeasonedForce one intelligent being make a Spirit roll at -2 before they can spend a Benny.
The Witching HourSeasonedDuring the witching hour, you cannot Critically Fail a roll and get a free Soak roll.
Tinkerer's ArmorSeasonedReduce the Minimum Strength of leather amor or greater by one die type and add additioanl bonuses to your armor.
TransferNoviceThe mage may transfer up to five Power Points to anyone in sight as a limited free action.
True FormSeasonedSpeak and cast powers at a -2 penalty when shape changed in a form that normally doesn't allow it.
WizardSeasonedSpend 1 extra Power Point to change a spell's Trapping.
🔗 Berserk
Rage Prophet
SeasonedCast spells while berserk and make them harder to resist.
↪↪ Rage Prophet IIVeteranSpells targeting the caster are limited free actions.

Mystic Powers Edges

Mystic Powers (Barbarian)SeasonedBoost Trait (Fighting, Strength, Spirit, or Vigor only), smite, and speed. All have the Self Limitation.
Mystic Powers (Fighter)SeasonedBoost Trait (Fighting, Shooting, Strength, and Vigor only), protection, and smite. All have the Self Limitation.
Mystic Powers (Monk)SeasonedBoost Trait (Agility, Athletics, Fighting, and Spirit only), deflection, smite and speed/slow (speed only). All have the Self Limitation.
Great KiVeteranThe monk's Mystic Powers now includes Boost Trait (Strength), protection, speed, wall walker, warrior's gift.
Mystic Powers (Paladin)SeasonedBoost Trait (Fighting and Spirit only), healing, protection, sanctuary and smite. All but healing have the Self Limitation.
Mystic Powers (Ranger)SeasonedBeast friend, boost Trait (Athletics, Shooting, and Survival only), entangle, warrior's gift and farsight. All but entangle and beast friend have the Self Limitation.
Mystic Powers (Rogue)SeasonedBoost Trait (Athletics, Stealth, and Thievery only), darksight, lock/unlock, sound/silence and wall walker. All have the Self Limitation.
Mystic Powers (Shadow Force)Veteranblast, illusion, summon ally, or teleport (self only). All of these have a Shadow Trapping.

Summoning Edges

Arcane BardingSeasonedGrant your summoned animals a +2 bonus to Toughness.
Construct FamiliarNoviceBuild a mechanical animal companion that serves as your Familiar.
FamiliarNoviceCaster gains a small pet that grants her 5 Power Points and other abilities.
Ferocious SummoningSeasonedGrant your summon monster summons any one Combat Edge of your rank or lower.
Great SummoningHeroicSummon unique beasts such as a barghest, mammoth, frost mammoth, t-rex, or young dragon.
Undead FamiliarSeasonedGet an undead animal as a familiar