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Dragon Disciple

Dragon Disciple

Dragon Disciple

Requirements: Rank: Seasoned, Arcane Background or Mystic Powers: Any, Occult d6+

Spellcasters who embrace their draconic heritage and learn to channel their abilities become fearsome warriors. They possess not only the repertoire of an accomplished sorcerer, but also the ability to unleash the furious power of dragons upon their foes.

Breath Attack: Once per encounter, as a limited action the dragon disciple may make a breath attack in a Cone Template. The attack causes 3d6 damage and may be Evaded.

The attack has one of the following effects, based on the type of dragon the character descends from: fire (victims may catch fire, page 154), acid (lingering damage, see page 170), electricity (+2 damage to those in metal armor), or cold (victim is Hindered until the end of his next turn, see page 170).