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Ancestral Edges

Ancestral Edges

These Edges are typically advantages exclusive to a specific ancestry.

General Ancestral Edges

Angel WingsSeasonedThe character grows wings.
Armor of the PitNovice+2 Armor and Environmental Resistance: Fire.
Attuned to the WildNoviceNatural healing rolls every 24 hours with a +2 when in the woods.
Blood DrinkerNoviceMake a natural healing roll after drinking blood.
Casual IllusionistNoviceBonus to deceive others or steal with Power Points.
Claw pounceNovice+2 damage on claw Wild Attack.
DeepsightNoviceGain Nightvision
Fey BloodNoviceFree rerolls when resisting enemy powers.
Razor TuskNoviceGain a bite Natural Attack
Wing GustSeasonedFlyer makes an Athletics roll to cause everyone within a Cone Template to make a Vigor roll (-2 with a raise) or be Shaken.
2024/04/14 16:12 · 0 Comments