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Arcane Background (Diabolist)


Requirements: Smarts: d6

Dwellers in darkness, demons from the abyss, or spirits from devilish dimensions are the servants of the diabolist. He conjures them to do his bidding, entrapping or binding these otherworldy entities to fulfill his most arduous tasks and bedevil his foes.

A diabolist’s Trappings always smack of corruption and deviltry. Their core power is summon ally, which conjures demonic, ghostly, or other malevolent spirits into the world.

Their conjurings smell of brimstone, offensive powers use fire or darkness, and those around them may hear inane whispers as their summoned servants coalesce into existence.

Diabolists aren’t necessarily evil—they may just come from a place where such powers are common, or have decided to use the powers of the Abyss against those things that dare to leave its punishing environs.


Diabolists may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Magic).

Armor Interference (Major)

Bulky armor interferes with a diabolist’s complex somatic movements. They have the Armor Interference (Major) Hindrance.


Diabolists consort with extra-planar entities, most of them evil or at least mischievous. They have the Corruption Hindrance.


Diabolists may conjure demonic soldiers with the summon ally power at Novice Rank, for four Power Points. At Seasoned Rank, they may call forth hellhounds for 5 points. At Veteran Rank they may summon a nightmare for 7 points.