Arcane Background (Alchemist)
Requirements: Smarts: d6
Alchemists create potions, oils, elixirs, and other consumables imbued with magical abilities. Their potions aren’t like those listed in the Treasure chapter—those last for years, require investment of funds, and are created with the Crafting rules (page 161).
Instead, alchemists imbue their potions, grenades, and oils with the powers they’ve learned. Narratively, their concoctions are created “off-camera” some time prior to their use. In game terms, they’re “cast” as the player needs them—pulling various vials or containers from their alchemist’s bag or bandoleer and activating them as needed.
- Arcane Skill: Alchemy (Smarts)
- Power Points: 15
- Starting Powers: Any three from the list below.
- Available Powers: Arcane Protection, Banish, Beast Friend, Blast, Blind, Boost/Lower Trait, Burst, Confusion, Darksight, Deflection, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Disguise, Empathy, Entangle, Environmental Protection, Farsight, Fear, Fly, Growth/Shrink, Healing, Intangibility, Invisibility, Light/Darkness, Protection, Puppet, Relief, Resurrection, Shape Change, Sloth/Speed, Slumber, Smite, Speak Language, Wall Walker, Warrior's Gift
Power Edges
Alchemists may not take Power Edges except for Artificer, Master Artificer, New Powers, Power Points, and Edges specifically noted for Arcane Background (Alchemist).
Power Modifiers
Alchemists can’t use the Selective Power Modifier.
Alchemist's Bag
Concoctions are stored in an alchemist’s bag, as are the ingredients, glassware, and other scientific equipment she needs to create them. An alchemist can’t activate her powers without her bag.
As long as the alchemist has access to her bag, she can also make Alchemical Items.
Alchemists’ potions, elixirs, pills, and grenades are expendable, giving them the Material Components Hindrance.
When an alchemist “casts” a power, the player must describe how it’s delivered.
Powers with a Range of Self or Touch are usually a consumable potion, edible, pill, salve, or oil. Fatigue from Critical Failure affects the recipient if someone other than the alchemist.
Powers with greater Range use misters, bellows, or grenades, with a maximum Range of 12” (24 yards). The alchemist “throws” the grenade or fires the bellows or mister with his Alchemy skill rather than Athletics or Shooting (but treats other projectiles normally). Critical Failure affects the caster normally—the grenade or mister shatters in his hand, showering him with noxious fumes that cause Fatigue.
Giving Concoctions to Others
An alchemist can “administer” her concoction to nearby allies just like casting any other power. If she wants to give someone a concoction to carry or use later, she states the concoction’s power and invests it with any number of her current Power Points.
Gifted concoction are created with a specific aspect—boost Trait (Strength), for example, or sloth (but not speed). The alchemist has no choice in this—she can’t give someone boost Trait without naming the Trait affected, even if her power doesn’t normally have the Aspect Limitation.
Gifted concoctions last until used or 48 hours pass, whichever comes first. Once their Power Points are used, the alchemist recovers them normally.
The recipient rolls the maker’s Alchemy skill to activate the concoction, just as if the alchemist were administering or using it herself.
Example: Red and Gabe are with a caravan when it’s hit by bandits. The raiders ride off with several captives and Red wants to give pursuit. Gabe, an alchemist, must stay behind to heal the injured, so he gives his friend oil of protection and invests one Power Point in it.
Protection’s normal Range is Smarts and its cost is 2, but since Gabe made it an oil (Range of Touch), it counts as the Range Limitation and reduces the cost to 1. A few hours later finds Red in hot pursuit of the bandits. She applies the magical oil to her armor and rolls Gabe’s Alchemy skill. She gets a raise and gains +2 Toughness! Gabe saves her skin—literally—even though he’s many miles away!