Arcane Background (Tinkerer)
Requirements: Smarts: d6
Inventors in fantasy settings rarely go on adventures. Most are firmly ensconced in their laboratories, surrounded by eclectic machines, spinning orreries, and long tables covered in bubbling concoctions. Some eventually leave their confines to explore the wider world, however, carrying portable inventions with them to protect themselves from the people and things who would do them harm. Tinkerers are highly specialized versions of the Weird Science Arcane Background who rely entirely on mechanical devices.
- Arcane Skill: Repair (Smarts)
- Power Points: 15
- Starting Powers: Any two from the list below.
- Available Powers: Blast, Blind, Bolt, Burst, Confusion, Damage Field, Darksight, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Entangle, Environmental Protection, Farsight, Fly, Light/Darkness, Lock/Unlock, Slumber, Stun, Wall Walker
Weird Science
Tinkerers may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Weird Science)
Critical Failure
A tinkerer who rolls a Critical Failure when activating a device doesn’t take Fatigue, but can’t use that power again until the device is repaired (an hour’s work and a successful Repair roll).
Powers are Devices
A tinkerer’s powers are expressed entirely through devices, such as foldable wings for the fly power, goggles for darksight or farsight, or a flintlock pistol for bolt.
Tinkerers can give their devices to others, allowing them to “cast” them using the tinkerer’s Repair skill as their own (the ally gets a Wild Die only if they’re also a Wild Card). This uses the tinkerer’s Power Points as usual, and treats the ally as the caster for purposes of Range and the like. Allies may not use Power Modifiers when using the inventor’s devices as they don’t know how to properly “tinker” with them
Lost Devices
If an enemy takes away a tinkerer’s device, any powers associated with it can’t be used until it’s recovered or remade (d6 hours x the power’s Rank).
Tinkerer’s can’t use Power Modifiers without their tool kit—a satchel, belt, or bag of spanners, screwdrivers, hammers, and other tools they use to tweak their inventions.
A tinkerer can make a Repair roll on any mechanical device he can touch. If successful, the machine suffers a malfunction and stops working until it’s fixed (a Repair roll as an action, at –2 if the tinkerer got a raise).