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Arcane Background (Summoner)


Requirements: Smarts: d6

These mages specialize in summoning creatures from the natural world or other planes of existence to bear their burdens for them. They are similar to diabolists except their servants are typically of animal intelligence, and while fierce, are no more malevolent in intent than any other beast.


Summoners may take Edges that require Arcane Background (Magic).

Armor Interference (Minor)

Bulky armor interferes with the somatic gestures needed to communicate with summoned minions. Summoners subtract 4 from Spellcasting rolls and Agility and Agility-based skill rolls if using medium or heavy armor or shields.

Master Summoner

A summoner reduces the cost of summon ally, summon animal, and summon monster by 2 (to a minimum of 1), and the spells’ Durations are measured in minutes rather than rounds.