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Arcane Backgrounds

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Arcane Backgrounds

Arcane Backgrounds are how you gain magic or other magical powers in Savage Worlds. They each have an associated Arcane Skill, which you use to activate your powers, a number of powers you gain at character creation, and how many Power Points you get at character creation.

SWADE Core Arcane Backgrounds

These are very broad and provide general guidelines and customizability.

NameSkillStarting PowersPower PointsSummary
GiftedFocus (Spirit)115A more general and focused magical ability that doesn't fit in other categories
MagicSpellcasting (Smarts)310A general magical ability that doesn't fit in other categories
MiraclesFaith (Spirit)310A general magical ability that comes from faith, religions, or divine power
PsionicsPsionics (Smarts)310Mental abilities
Weird ScienceWeird Science (Smarts)215Weird scientists use strange and powerful inventions that recreate the effects of powers.

Fantasy Arcane Backgrounds

These are based on common Fantasy RPG Magical Archetypes and have more bonuses and hindrances built in to them to help give them their flavor, see their individual pages for more details.

To take any of these, you must have a d6 in the Arcane Skill's linked Attribute.

NameSkillCategoryStarting PowersPower PointsDescription
AlchemistAlchemyAlchemy (Smarts)315Create potions, oils, elixirs, and grenades to use powers.
BardMagicPerformance (Spirit)310Your magic flows through your performances.
ClericMiraclesFaith (Spirit)510Draw your power from the divine.
DiabolistMagicSpellcasting (Smarts)510Conjure evil spirits to do your bidding.
DruidMiraclesFaith (Spirit)510Call upon the power of nature itself.
ElementalistMagicSpellcasting (Smarts)510Channel the elemental planes.
IllusionistMagicSpellcasting (Smarts)510Limited powers, but a master of the illusion spell.
NecromancerMagicSpellcasting (Smarts)510Specialize in blurring the line between living and dead.
ShamanMiraclesFaith (Spirit)510A spiritual leader to those living far from civilization.
SorcererSpellcasting (Spirit)Magic215Innate powers from bloodline or circumstance with unique features provided by your power source.
WarlockMagicChanneling (Smarts or Spirit)315Whether through a deal or by theft, channel the power of a greater being.
SummonerMagicSpellcasting (Smarts)515Specialize in summoning creatures to do your bidding.
TinkererWeird ScienceRepair (Smarts)215Create mechanical devices to use powers
WitchMagicSpellcasting (Smarts)310A magical dabbler, gaining powers from different sources.
WizardSpellcasting (Smarts)Magic615A wide variety of powers gained from careful study.