Hindrances List
Name | Rank | Summary |
All Thumbs | Minor | -2 to use mechanical or electrical devices |
Amorous | Minor | -2 to resist Tricks by foes with the Attractive or Very Attractive Edge. |
Ancestral Weakness | Major/Minor | +2/+4 damage from an elemental type. |
Anemic | Minor | -2 Vigor when resisting Fatigue |
Arcane Sensitivity | Major/Minor | Subtract 2 when resisting a power (4 if Major Hindrance) |
Armor Interference | Major/Minor | Must have Arcane Background. Subtract 4 and cannot use abilities granted by Arcane Background or Edges that require it when using medium or heavy armor / shields (or light armor / shields as Major Hindrance). |
Arrogant | Major | Likes to dominate his opponent, challenge the most powerful foe in combat. |
Bad Eyes | Major/Minor | -1 to all Trait rolls dependent on vision, or -2 as a Major Hindrance. Eyewear negates penalty but have a 50% chance of breaking when the hero suffers trauma. |
Bad Luck | Major | The character starts with one less Benny per session |
Big Mouth | Minor | Unable to keep secrets and constantly gives away private information. |
Bitter | Major | Characters healing this character suffer -2 to the roll. |
Blind | Major | -6 to all tasks that require vision (but choice of a free Edge to offset). |
Bloodthirsty | Major | Never takes prisoners |
Blunderer | Major | Roll of 1 on the skill die is a Critical Failure when using skill important to the character. |
Can't Swim | Minor | -2 to swimming (Athletics) rolls; Each inch moved in water costs 3“ of Pace. |
Cautious | Minor | The character plans extensively and/or is overly careful. |
Clueless | Major | -1 to Common Knowledge and Notice rolls. |
Clumsy | Major | -2 to Athletics and Stealth rolls. |
Code of Honor | Major | The character keeps his word and acts like a gentleman. |
Corruption | Major | Must have Arcane Background. Gain a new Minor Hindrance (or increase Minor to Major) any time an arcane skill roll Critically Fails, until the character's next Advance. |
Curious | Major | The character wants to know about everything. |
Cursed | Major | Casters subtract 2 when attempting to affect the hero with beneficial magic. |
Death Wish | Minor | The hero wants to die after or while completing some epic task. |
Delusional | Major/Minor | The individual believes something strange that causes him occasional or frequent trouble. |
Doomed | Major | -2 to Soak rolls. |
Doubting Thomas | Minor | The character doesn't believe in the supernatural, often exposing him to unnecessary risks. |
Driven | Major/Minor | The hero's actions are driven by some important goal or belief |
Elderly | Major | -1 to Pace, running, Agility, Strength, and Vigor, but extra 5 skill points for Smarts skills. |
Enemy | Major/Minor | The character has a recurring nemesis. |
Greedy | Major/Minor | The individual is obsessed with wealth and material possessions. |
Grim | Minor | Hero is gloomy and provoked if successfully Taunted. |
Habit | Major/Minor | Addicted to something, suffers Fatigue if deprived. |
Hard of Hearing | Major/Minor | -4 to Notice sounds; automatic failure if completely deaf. |
Helpless | Major/Minor | Become Distracted or Vulnerable when allies suffer a Wound |
Heroic | Major | The character always helps those in need. |
Hesitant | Minor | Draw two Action Cards and take the lowest (except Jokers, which may be kept). |
Idealistic | Minor | The hero sees things in simplistic, black and white terms. |
Illiterate | Minor | The character cannot read or write. |
Impulsive | Major | The hero leaps before he looks. |
Jealous | Major/Minor | The individual covets what others have. |
Jingoistic | Major/Minor | The character has a bias toward other peoples and cultures. He subtracts 2 from Persuasion rolls when interacting with them (4 if Major) and they may not benefit from his Command Edges. |
Loner | Major | Does not benefit from Gang Up Bonsues |
Loyal | Minor | The hero is loyal to their friends and allies. |
Magical Klutz | Minor | Activating a magical item is a limited action. |
Material Components | Major | Must have ARcane Background. The caster requires physical items to cast her spells. If she rolls a Critical Failure, she subtracts 4 from arcane skill rolls until she replenishes them. |
Mean | Minor | -1 to Persuasion rolls. |
Meticulous | Minor | -4 to untrained skills. |
Mild Mannered | Minor | -2 to Intimidation rolls. |
Mute | Major | The hero cannot speak. |
Obese | Minor | Size +1, Pace -1 and running die of d4. Treat Str as one die type lower for Min Str |
Obligation | Major/Minor | The character has a weekly obligation of 20 (Minor) to 40 (Major) hours. |
Oblivious | Minor | Take half damage when he makes an Evasion roll. |
One Arm | Major | -4 to tasks (such as Athletics) that require two hands. |
One Eye | Major | -3 to actions at 5” (10 yards) or more distance. |
Outsider | Major/Minor | The character doesn't fit in to the local environment and subtracts 2 from Persuasion rolls. As a Major Hindrance she has no legal rights or other serious consequences. |
Overconfident | Major | The hero believes she can do anything. |
Pacifist | Major/Minor | Fights only in self-defense as a Minor HIndrance, won't fight at all as Major. |
Phobia | Major/Minor | The character is afraid of something, and subtracts –1/–2 from all Trait rolls in its presence. |
Poverty | Minor | Half starting funds and the character is always broke. |
Quirk | Minor | The character has some minor but persistent foible that often annoys others. |
Ruthless | Major/Minor | The character does what it takes to get her way. |
Secret | Major/Minor | The hero has a dark secret of some kind. |
Selfless | Major/Minor | The hero puts others before herself. |
Shamed | Major/Minor | The individual is haunted by some tragic event from her past. |
Slow | Major/Minor | Pace -1, reduce running die one step. As Major, Pace -2, -2 to Athletics and rolls to resist Athletics. Neither may take the Fleet-Footed Edge. |
Small | Minor | Size and Toughness are reduced by 1. Size cannot be reduced below -1. |
Stubborn | Minor | The character wants his way and rarely admits his mistakes. |
Suspicious | Major/Minor | The individual is paranoid. As a Major Hindrance, allies subtract 2 when rolling to Support him. |
Tainted Spirit | Major | Becomes Fatigued at the end of combat. |
Talisman | Major/Minor | Must have Arcane Background. The caster needs a physical item (staff, symbol, etc) to cast his powers. Without it he subtracts 1 from arcane skill rolls (2 as a Major Hindrance). |
Thin Skinned | Major/Minor | The cahracter is particularly susceptible to personal attack. As a Minor Hindrance, he subtracts two when resisting Taunt attacks. As a Major, he subtracts four. |
Tongue-Tied | Major | The character often misspeaks or can't get her words out. -1 to Intimidation, Persuasion, And Taunt rolls. |
Ugly | Major/Minor | The character is physically unattractive and subtracts 1 or 2 from Persuasion rolls. |
Vengeful | Major/Minor | The adventurer seeks payback for slights against her. As a Major Hindrance, she'll cause physical harm to get it. |
Vow | Major/Minor | The individual has pledged themself to some cause. |
Wanted | Major/Minor | The character is wanted by the authorities. |
Yellow | Major | -2 to Fear checks and resisting Intimidation |
Young | Major/Minor | Minor has 4 attribute points and 10 skill points, extra Benny per session. Major has 3 attribute points, 10 skill points, and two extra Bennies per session. |