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Hindrances are character flaws and physical handicaps that occasionally make life a little tougher for your character.
Some have actual gameplay effects. Other are more subjective “roleplaying” Hindrances that help you understand your character and will cause them to act in ways that are not necessarily efficient or in the best interests of the party. Typically acting in such a way will have the GM give you a benny
Hindrances List
Name | Rank | Summary |
All Thumbs | Minor | -2 to use mechanical or electrical devices |
Amorous | Minor | -2 to resist Tricks by foes with the Attractive or Very Attractive Edge. |
Ancestral Weakness | Major/Minor | +2/+4 damage from an elemental type. |
Anemic | Minor | -2 Vigor when resisting Fatigue |
Arcane Sensitivity | Major/Minor | Subtract 2 when resisting a power (4 if Major Hindrance) |
Armor Interference | Major/Minor | Must have Arcane Background. Subtract 4 and cannot use abilities granted by Arcane Background or Edges that require it when using medium or heavy armor / shields (or light armor / shields as Major Hindrance). |
Arrogant | Major | Likes to dominate his opponent, challenge the most powerful foe in combat. |
Bad Eyes | Major/Minor | -1 to all Trait rolls dependent on vision, or -2 as a Major Hindrance. Eyewear negates penalty but have a 50% chance of breaking when the hero suffers trauma. |
Bad Luck | Major | The character starts with one less Benny per session |
Big Mouth | Minor | Unable to keep secrets and constantly gives away private information. |
Bitter | Major | Characters healing this character suffer -2 to the roll. |
Blind | Major | -6 to all tasks that require vision (but choice of a free Edge to offset). |
Bloodthirsty | Major | Never takes prisoners |
Blunderer | Major | Roll of 1 on the skill die is a Critical Failure when using skill important to the character. |
Can't Swim | Minor | -2 to swimming (Athletics) rolls; Each inch moved in water costs 3“ of Pace. |
Cautious | Minor | The character plans extensively and/or is overly careful. |
Clueless | Major | -1 to Common Knowledge and Notice rolls. |
Clumsy | Major | -2 to Athletics and Stealth rolls. |
Code of Honor | Major | The character keeps his word and acts like a gentleman. |
Corruption | Major | Must have Arcane Background. Gain a new Minor Hindrance (or increase Minor to Major) any time an arcane skill roll Critically Fails, until the character's next Advance. |
Curious | Major | The character wants to know about everything. |
Cursed | Major | Casters subtract 2 when attempting to affect the hero with beneficial magic. |
Death Wish | Minor | The hero wants to die after or while completing some epic task. |
Delusional | Major/Minor | The individual believes something strange that causes him occasional or frequent trouble. |
Doomed | Major | -2 to Soak rolls. |
Doubting Thomas | Minor | The character doesn't believe in the supernatural, often exposing him to unnecessary risks. |
Driven | Major/Minor | The hero's actions are driven by some important goal or belief |
Elderly | Major | -1 to Pace, running, Agility, Strength, and Vigor, but extra 5 skill points for Smarts skills. |
Enemy | Major/Minor | The character has a recurring nemesis. |
Greedy | Major/Minor | The individual is obsessed with wealth and material possessions. |
Grim | Minor | Hero is gloomy and provoked if successfully Taunted. |
Habit | Major/Minor | Addicted to something, suffers Fatigue if deprived. |
Hard of Hearing | Major/Minor | -4 to Notice sounds; automatic failure if completely deaf. |
Helpless | Major/Minor | Become Distracted or Vulnerable when allies suffer a Wound |
Heroic | Major | The character always helps those in need. |
Hesitant | Minor | Draw two Action Cards and take the lowest (except Jokers, which may be kept). |
Idealistic | Minor | The hero sees things in simplistic, black and white terms. |
Illiterate | Minor | The character cannot read or write. |
Impulsive | Major | The hero leaps before he looks. |
Jealous | Major/Minor | The individual covets what others have. |
Jingoistic | Major/Minor | The character has a bias toward other peoples and cultures. He subtracts 2 from Persuasion rolls when interacting with them (4 if Major) and they may not benefit from his Command Edges. |
Loner | Major | Does not benefit from Gang Up Bonsues |
Loyal | Minor | The hero is loyal to their friends and allies. |
Magical Klutz | Minor | Activating a magical item is a limited action. |
Material Components | Major | Must have ARcane Background. The caster requires physical items to cast her spells. If she rolls a Critical Failure, she subtracts 4 from arcane skill rolls until she replenishes them. |
Mean | Minor | -1 to Persuasion rolls. |
Meticulous | Minor | -4 to untrained skills. |
Mild Mannered | Minor | -2 to Intimidation rolls. |
Mute | Major | The hero cannot speak. |
Obese | Minor | Size +1, Pace -1 and running die of d4. Treat Str as one die type lower for Min Str |
Obligation | Major/Minor | The character has a weekly obligation of 20 (Minor) to 40 (Major) hours. |
Oblivious | Minor | Take half damage when he makes an Evasion roll. |
One Arm | Major | -4 to tasks (such as Athletics) that require two hands. |
One Eye | Major | -3 to actions at 5” (10 yards) or more distance. |
Outsider | Major/Minor | The character doesn't fit in to the local environment and subtracts 2 from Persuasion rolls. As a Major Hindrance she has no legal rights or other serious consequences. |
Overconfident | Major | The hero believes she can do anything. |
Pacifist | Major/Minor | Fights only in self-defense as a Minor HIndrance, won't fight at all as Major. |
Phobia | Major/Minor | The character is afraid of something, and subtracts –1/–2 from all Trait rolls in its presence. |
Poverty | Minor | Half starting funds and the character is always broke. |
Quirk | Minor | The character has some minor but persistent foible that often annoys others. |
Ruthless | Major/Minor | The character does what it takes to get her way. |
Secret | Major/Minor | The hero has a dark secret of some kind. |
Selfless | Major/Minor | The hero puts others before herself. |
Shamed | Major/Minor | The individual is haunted by some tragic event from her past. |
Slow | Major/Minor | Pace -1, reduce running die one step. As Major, Pace -2, -2 to Athletics and rolls to resist Athletics. Neither may take the Fleet-Footed Edge. |
Small | Minor | Size and Toughness are reduced by 1. Size cannot be reduced below -1. |
Stubborn | Minor | The character wants his way and rarely admits his mistakes. |
Suspicious | Major/Minor | The individual is paranoid. As a Major Hindrance, allies subtract 2 when rolling to Support him. |
Tainted Spirit | Major | Becomes Fatigued at the end of combat. |
Talisman | Major/Minor | Must have Arcane Background. The caster needs a physical item (staff, symbol, etc) to cast his powers. Without it he subtracts 1 from arcane skill rolls (2 as a Major Hindrance). |
Thin Skinned | Major/Minor | The cahracter is particularly susceptible to personal attack. As a Minor Hindrance, he subtracts two when resisting Taunt attacks. As a Major, he subtracts four. |
Tongue-Tied | Major | The character often misspeaks or can't get her words out. -1 to Intimidation, Persuasion, And Taunt rolls. |
Ugly | Major/Minor | The character is physically unattractive and subtracts 1 or 2 from Persuasion rolls. |
Vengeful | Major/Minor | The adventurer seeks payback for slights against her. As a Major Hindrance, she'll cause physical harm to get it. |
Vow | Major/Minor | The individual has pledged themself to some cause. |
Wanted | Major/Minor | The character is wanted by the authorities. |
Yellow | Major | -2 to Fear checks and resisting Intimidation |
Young | Major/Minor | Minor has 4 attribute points and 10 skill points, extra Benny per session. Major has 3 attribute points, 10 skill points, and two extra Bennies per session. |