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Damage Effects

Damage Effects

Damage can result in three possible effects: Shaken, Wounds, and Incapacitation.


Shaken characters are nicked, bruised, or otherwise rattled. They can only take free actions, such as moving (including running).

At the start of their turn, Shaken characters must attempt to recover from being Shaken by making a Spirit roll as a free action.

Failure. The character remains shaken and can only perform free actions.

Success. The character is no longer Shaken, they can act normally during their turn.

At any time (even when it is not their turn) a player may spend a Benny to instantly remove their Shaken status


Every raise on the damage roll inflicts a Wound. Extras are Incapacitated if they take a single Wound.

Wild Cards can take three Wounds and still function, more if they have certain Edges. Damage beyond their Wound limit then Incapacitates them.

Each Wound a character suffers causes a -1 penalty to their Pace (minimum of 1“) and all Trait rolls, up to a maximum penalty of -3.


Incapacitated characters may not perform actions but are dealt Action Cards for the remainder of the encounter in case they recover or must roll for other effects such as Bleeding Out.

When Incapacitated by damage or injury, he must make an immediate Vigor roll:

  • Critical Failure: The character dies.
  • Failure: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury is permanent and the character is Bleeding Out.
  • Success: Roll on the Injury Table. The injury goes away when all Wounds are healed.
  • Raise: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury goes away in 24 hours, or when all Wounds are healed (whichever is sooner).

You cannot take actions while Incapacitated.