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Injury Table

Injury Table

2d6 Wound
2 Unmentionables: If the injury is permanent, reproduction is out of the question without miracle surgery or magic. There is no other effect from this result.
3 to 4 Arm: The victim can no longer use his left or right arm (rolled randomly if neither was specifically target).
5 to 9 Guts: Your hero catches one somewhere in the core. Roll 1d6:
1d6 Wound
1 to 2 Broken: Agility reduced a die type (minimum d4).
3 to 4 Battered: Vigor reduced a die type (minimum d4).
5 to 6 Busted: Strength reduced a die type (minimum d4).
10 Leg: Gain the Slow Hindrance (Minor), or Major if already Slow or injured in either leg.
11 to 12 Head: A grievous injury to the head.
1d6 Wound
1 to 2 Hideous Scar: Your hero now has the Ugly (Major) Hindrance.
3 to 4 Blinded: An eye is damaged. Gain the One Eye Hindrance (or the Blind Hindrance if he only had one good eye).
5 to 6 Brain Damage: Massive trauma to the head. Smarts reduced one die type (min d4).