Driven from their home in the Faerealm by the Winter Fae, the Summer Fae were forced to make a home in a new world. As they adapted to their new world, many continued to focus on their original home, gathering forces to forcibly take it back and return home once again.
Elven Features
- Keen-Eyed. Elves start with a d6 in Notice.
- Low Light Vision. Ignore penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness)
- Frail. Elves have a -1 penalty to their Toughness.
- Subrace. Choose a subrace for your elf.
Anjariel (High Elves)
Like other elf cultures, The Anjariel are defined by their relationship to their new home. The High Elves believe that they must return to The Faerealm by any means necessary and that their time on Aldrea is temporary and a punishment.
High Elves are more likely to be obsessed with returning to the Faerealm, and thus can be more likely to consider themselves the “purest” form of elf. Most High Elves try as hard as possible to avoid associating themselves with Aldrea and don’t want to get too involved with the “lesser” races, believing this counter to the penance required to return to their homeland.
In general, High Elves are the most likely take ancient fae literature very seriously and some groups consider themselves so superior to other races that they believe they should rule this plane before they return. Though few would profess this belief publicly. Most High Elf societies are somewhat detatched from the going-ons of Aldrea that are not related to the battle for their Homeland. Instead focusing on training and bettering themselves in order to better return to the Faerealm.
Adaptable. Gain a free Novice Edge of your choice.
Avariel (Winged Elves)
Like other elf cultures, The Avariel are defined by their relationship to their former home. Like the drow, Avariel believe that it is impossible to return to the Faerealm. However, unlike the drow, they did not want to put another world through the pain they felt when their home was taken from them. As such, they wanted to leave Aldrea to its existing inhabitants and worked to become as uninvolved with non-elves as possible, making them almost mythological creatures.
After experimenting with magic, the winged elves grew the wings that give them their name and created floating cities in the sky, hidden from most.
Due to their extreme rarity and lack of interaction with the world, check with your DM and work carefully before creating a character from the Avariel culture.
Flight. Avariel can Fly at a Pace equal to their walking Pace and “run” for extra movement as usual.
Frail. The hollow bones of an Avariel give them a -1 penalty to their Toughness.
Pace +2. Avariel gain a +2 bonus to their Pace and increase their running die by a die type.
Drowriel (Dark Elves)
Like other elf cultures, The Drowriel are defined by their relationship to their new home. The Drow believe that they are permanently stuck on earth and there is no way to return to the Faerealm. Because of this, they believed that conquering Aldrea as a new home for the fae was the best course of action.
Banished to the Underdark after a violent war, the Drow have diverged greatly from surface elf society. Rigid traditions, harsh matriarchy and violent conflicts shape Drow society. Family is very important to the Drow, with dynastic families ruling their underdark cities. Crossing a Drow can often mean crossing their entire family.
Drow are also well-known for raising giant spiders that they use for their venom and magically-infused silk they weave into armors and artwork.
Drowriel adventurers are rare on the surface, but some societies do exist, hidden in the harsh environments they were banished to after the war. There are rumors of more open societies on far corners of the world that they surfaced to from hidden underdark tunnels.
Light-Sensitive.Subtract -1 from all active Trait rolls in bright light. This does not apply to passive rolls. Here “bright light” means the effects of a light spell or being outdoors under direct sunlight. Significant shadows, such as being in a forest or in the shade of a large building, avoids the penalty.
Night Vision. Ignore all illumination penalties.
Drow Magic. You gain the light/darkness power. You have 10 dedicated Power Points that recharge normally. He automatically activates the power with success for its regular cost, or with a raise for an additional 2 Power Points. He may use the mobile modifier for light but no other modifiers and may use no modifiers for darkness.
Fardariel (Wood Elves)
Wood Elves have fully embraced the earth and consider returning to the Faerealm a lost cause. They believe it is best to make due with Aldrea and work to improve it by making it resemble the Faewilds. Because of this, they view the planet and nature as consecrated, working to preserve nature around them. Living high in the trees, Wood Elves build homes of living branches as to not harm the forest.
Wood elves don’t eat meat, except of those who have harmed nature.
Other important cultural values for wood elves are curiosity and exploration. Isolated though wood elf villages may be, it is not uncommon to see a wood elf troubadour, craftmaker, or sightseer on a quest to learn something new.
Darkvision. Due to their time in dense woods, Fardariel can see in the dark within 10“ (20 yards), ignoring al illumination penalties and up to 2 points of penalties from invisibility or similar powers.
Natural Camoflage. Within the forests, Fardariel gain a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls. (+4 if they remain motionless).
Slender and Graceful
Elves are slightly taller and thinner than humans, and feature long pointed ears and noses. With silken hair, elves are often though of as beautiful by humans and other races.
Elves’ bones are less dense than many other species, keeping them light on their feet and giving them a different gait. Their skin and hair can vary greatly depending on their subspecies. As a whole, facial hair is rare and they have almost no body hair. They commonly dress in elegant colors.
A Perspective of Ages
Being as long lived as they are, Elven culture seems incredibly stagnant to other races. They tend to think in the long-term and focus on higher thinking than current politics. All major decisions are made slowly and carefully, considering all possible angles and outcomes.
Due to this longterm view, elves can sometimes have trouble relating to the younger-lived races and can come across as uncaring or haughty for not working on more mortal timetables or believing that their long lives make them more competent and trustworthy.
“This isn't good enough, this will never be good enough!”
that is what I had yelled at him before I struck him. I told him he was lucky royalty didn’t hear him say such things. I watched him run out of my quarters. I saw the blood on my hands. I had gone too far. I’m not sure if I will see him again.
I partnered too young. These younger elves didn’t know what the homelands were like — no, are like. The thought of my children, and my children’s children never knowing the homeland frightens me. Is this how it will be? As the generations went on, would our people not know what we missed? I am getting old. I was but a child of 50 when we were driven from the homelands. Now I am merely 1400, yet I am feeling the effects of age. It must be this new world. How long will my children live?
Other Fae, Queen Titania, the Ladies, the Lords, the Shidh, they surely will live forever, even here they cannot die, can they? Young fae are already drifting away from the cause. I haven’t seen gnomes in the war camps in two centures. Will the others fall away as well? Will our descendants fail to keep focus on the return home?
—Unknown Elf, 1350 PL,
Journal Fragment
Driven From Their Home
Elven culture centers heavily around the fact that their ancesters, the first Elves, were Summer Fae driven from the Faerealm by the Winter Fae. Elves believe the most important thing is to become worthy of entering the Faerealm once more so they can defeat the Winter Fae and take back their homelands. The subraces of elves came about over philosophical differences of how to accomplish this and they physically and philosophically changed from what they originally were.
Elves feel that the Earth and its creatures are inherently inferior to Fae and the Faewilds of the Faerealm. Though some elves have come to appreciate Aldrea and its natural features and creatures, most still feel that things could be better and the mortals here are misusing their world.
Hidden Societies
Elves live in villages, whose locations vary by subrace. Often they live in forests or other places away from the larger settlements and cities of the young races. They have familial ties, but overall Fae vs. Non-Fae is their primary concern. Surnames are passed matrilinerally, though this is more important to some subraces than others.
Villages tend to stay hidden from outsiders, and elves tend to be incredibly private, especially to non-fae. An elf would allow a gnome or a satyr to come visit and discuss the news of the day, but would be much less welcome to a human, an orc or a dwarf. They are often offended by non-Fae who try to live in Elf communities or learn Elven languages.
For the Homelands or Glory
Elves can go adventuring for a variety of reasons, but a common reason is to help with the fight for their homelands. Whether it’s looking for a new portal to the Faerealm, finding any artifacts from their first arrival that may help them in their fight, or to collect ancient magics that can counter the Winter, many elves are driven by a love for their homeland.
Others may feel more at home on Aldrea-Muvarin and have issues fitting into elven society or simply have wanderlust.
Elf Names
When an elf is born, it is known by a name their father chooses and the surname of their mother. The community at large will typically refer to the child by their surname.
Upon reaching their hundredth birthday, an elf chooses a new name for themself. Their childhood name is then used only by those closest to the elf.
Using this original name is a sign of intimacy.
Father Names: Ara, Bryn, Del, Eryn, Faen, Innil, Lael, Mella, Naill, Naeris, Phann, Rael, Rinn, Sai, Syllin, Thia, Vall.
Female Names: Adrie, Althaea, Anastrianna, Andraste, Antinua, Bethryana, Birel, Caelynn, Drusilia, Enna, Felosial, Ielenia, Jelenneth, Keyleth, Leshanna, LIa, Meriele, Mialee, Naivara, Quelenna, Quilathe, Sariel, Shanairra, Shava, Silaqui, Theirasta, Thia, Vadania, Valanthe, Xanaphia
Male Names: Adran, Aelar, Aramil, Arannis, Aust, Beiro, Berrian, Carric, Enialis, Erdan, Erevan, Galinndan, Hardarai, Heian, Himo, Immeral, Ivellos, Laucian, Mindartis, Paclias, Peren, Quarion, Riardon, Rolen, Soveliss, Thamior, Tharivel, Theren, Varis
Family Names (Common Translations): Amakiir (Gemflower), Amastacia (Starflower), Galamodel (Moonwhisper), Holimion (Diamonddew), Ilphelkiir (Gemblossom), Liadon (Silverfrond), Meliarnne (Oakenheel), Nailo (Nightbreeze), Siannodel (Moonbrook), Xiloscient (Goldpetal)