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Gnome Traits

  • Size. Gnomes are around 2 ft tall, and count as Size -2. They have a max Strength of d8 and a -2 penalty to Toughness and their damage rolls. Gear made for gnomes weigh half the listed value of a standard sized armor. Minimum Str for small armor is reduced by 2 die types.
  • Reduced Pace. Your Pace is lowered by 1 and your running die goes down 1 die type.
  • Gnomish Magic. You gain the illusion power and 5 power points. You may use any cantrips you desire with this power as well. If you gain an arcane background, you may add these power points to that pool. Spellcasting (Smarts) is your skill for this power unless you have another Arcane Background, in which case you can use that skill instead. If you do not have an Arcane Background you may use your Smarts instead without penalty.
  • (Not) in the Thick of It. Gnomish proportions make some combat more difficult, you have a -1 penalty to Parry.
  • Subrace. Choose a Gnomish Subrace.


Forest Gnomes

  • Size +1. Forest Gnomes are the tallest of all gnomes, instead of being a Size -2, they are a Size -1. This means that they have a max Strength of d10 and only a -1 penalty to Toughness and damage rolls.
  • Friend to Animals. Forest Gnomes also gain the beast friend power.

Dune Gnomes

  • Pace +2. Dune Gnomes are quick on their feet and increase their pace by +2 and increase their running die by a die type.
  • Acclimated. Dune Gnomes are acclimated to the deserts they call home and gain a +4 bonus to resist heat and reduce damage from heat by 4.

Garden Gnomes

  • Tinkerer. Garden gnomes are renown for their tinkering skills. You have created a small device that replicates any novice rank power using the Arcane Devices rule. You gain an additional 3 power points as well that are used to power the device. With time and new materials you can deconstruct your device and reconstruct it to use a new power instead.

House Gnomes

  • Household Magic. House gnomes also gain their choice of one of the following powers: light, sound, or telekinesis
  • It's Hard in these Streets. House gnomes gain an additional +1 Toughness.

Rock Gnomes

  • Elemental Manipulators. You gain the Elemental Manipulation power, but with the limitation that it only applies to Earth and Metal.
  • Underground Life. You have Darkvision, allowing you to see in the dark within 10“ (20 yards), ignoring all illumination penalties and up to 2 points of penalties from invisibility or similar powers.
  • Light-Sensitive. You are sensitive to light, subtract -1 from all active Trait rolls in bright light. This does not apply to passive rolls. Here “bright light” means the effects of a light spell or being outdoors under direct sunlight. Significant shadows, such as being in a forest or in the shade of a large building, avoids the penalty.
  • Phosphorescent Spots. Rock gnomes have spots on their body that can emit light. When activated, this eliminates up to 2 points of illumination penalties in a Small, Medium, or Large blast template around her and subtracts 4 from her Stealth rolls if they're based on sight. The light may be activated or deactivated as a free action.

Snow Gnomes

  • Infravision. Snow gnomes can “see” heat. This halves Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets (including invisible beings)>
  • Acclimated. Snow Gnomes are acclimated to the deserts they call home and gain a +4 bonus to resist cold and reduce damage from cold by 4.