Sometimes characters may want to push a foe in hopes of knocking him out of position, prone, or even into a deadly hazard.
Pushing a foe is an opposed roll of Strength. If the attacker is successful he pushes the foe back up to 1″ (two yards). With a raise, increase the distance to 2″ (four yards). Double either distance if the attacker’s Scale is larger than the foe’s.
A character who’s successfully Pushed must make an Athletics roll (at −2 if the attacker got a raise) or be knocked prone.
Running: If the attacker ran at least 2″ (four yards) before the Push, he adds +2 to his total. Size Matters: Creatures may not generally Push a foe more than two Sizes larger then themselves unless they have exceptional Strength for their Size (GM’s call).
Skill: The attacker or defender may roll Athletics instead of Strength if they choose.
Shields: Attackers and defenders add their shield’s Parry bonus to their Strength (or Athletics) rolls when pushing.